Its funny, the differences between what people tell you and what you actually hear and picture in your mind. The other night I was talking with Marsina and she was telling me an amusing little story about how one of her nephews was obsessed with taking her necklace and trying to cram it up her nose. Hes only two years old so its understandable that hes easily fascinated and entertained by something as simple as a necklace. For a brief moment I find myself picturing this cute little boy trying to stuff this little tiny handcuff key up her nose. And then I realized that he and I have a lot in common because the story itself held little meaning, it was all about the necklace. It consumed me and I couldnt stop thinking about it. In my mind I could see the necklace, the key, dangling around her neck resting itself on the softest skin in the world. I couldnt help but smile when I thought about the idea of that necklace, that key, my necklace, my key, being exactly where I want it to be. Funny, that he and I would be completely captivated by something as simple as a necklace.
Amazing how much a grown man and a toddler think alike.
Amazing how much a grown man and a toddler think alike.
Happy birthday! 

happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday big brother! happy birthday to you!