Tonight it was Dante's for Karaoke from Hell. I met Josh down there after work for a few drink and some singing (other people's, not my own). There was a very different feel to the place since the last time I was there. The room had a definite drunk feel to it.
Josh went to the bar to fetch drinks while I scouted out a table. The musical selection was your usual run of the mill Karaoke stuff. Sweet child of mine followed by a rousing rendition of "I want to be sedated". The table I'd chosen was unfortunately right next to a colorful group of drunk rednecks. From the sound of things, these guys clearly didn't visit the big city very often. I may be a little more touchy about things like this than most people, but I don't think the word "courtesy" was even in their vocabulary. One guy in particular really got on my nerves. I think most people would agree that it takes a lot to get me riled up but it was all I could do to keep myself from grabbing his dirty little red neck and choking the fuck out of him. I'm sure in his little world he was just having fun but seriously, There's a limit. He had lost all sense 'personal space' and I wanted to throttle him every time he bumped me. Every time a girl would get up on stage, the first words out of his mouth were. "Take it off! Wooo Hooo!" I think there was one point in the evening that I completely blanked out the music and just imagined myself beating the unholy piss out of him.
After beating the imaginary shit out of the filthy hick I let my attention wander elsewhere. The table in front of us was home to a cowboy (separate from the rednecks) who does a mean impression of Axle Rose. Once he finished his song he was gone and was quickly replaced by two guys and a girl. One of the guys was with the girl and the other must have been his friend. The had on a little bandanna and looked like a little cutie-pie. The guy that was with her obviously knew this because he couldn't keep his hands off of her all night long. He seemed to be particularly fond of her ass because he couldn't stop rubbing it long enough to let the poor girl sit down. Anyone that glanced their way would automatically assume that this guy was completely wrapped up in this girl however, I was sitting directly behind them and being the people watcher that I am, I watched. Now you'd think that with this little cutie on his arm that he wouldn't need to look any further than his own table... wrong. The whole time he's sitting there rubbing her ass he's checking out the girl at the table next to Josh and I. The fucking pig.
I swear sometimes I hate being a guy. Not because I think they're all stupid pigs but because I hate being lumped in with the lower end of the intelligence spectrum. Oh well.
Josh went to the bar to fetch drinks while I scouted out a table. The musical selection was your usual run of the mill Karaoke stuff. Sweet child of mine followed by a rousing rendition of "I want to be sedated". The table I'd chosen was unfortunately right next to a colorful group of drunk rednecks. From the sound of things, these guys clearly didn't visit the big city very often. I may be a little more touchy about things like this than most people, but I don't think the word "courtesy" was even in their vocabulary. One guy in particular really got on my nerves. I think most people would agree that it takes a lot to get me riled up but it was all I could do to keep myself from grabbing his dirty little red neck and choking the fuck out of him. I'm sure in his little world he was just having fun but seriously, There's a limit. He had lost all sense 'personal space' and I wanted to throttle him every time he bumped me. Every time a girl would get up on stage, the first words out of his mouth were. "Take it off! Wooo Hooo!" I think there was one point in the evening that I completely blanked out the music and just imagined myself beating the unholy piss out of him.
After beating the imaginary shit out of the filthy hick I let my attention wander elsewhere. The table in front of us was home to a cowboy (separate from the rednecks) who does a mean impression of Axle Rose. Once he finished his song he was gone and was quickly replaced by two guys and a girl. One of the guys was with the girl and the other must have been his friend. The had on a little bandanna and looked like a little cutie-pie. The guy that was with her obviously knew this because he couldn't keep his hands off of her all night long. He seemed to be particularly fond of her ass because he couldn't stop rubbing it long enough to let the poor girl sit down. Anyone that glanced their way would automatically assume that this guy was completely wrapped up in this girl however, I was sitting directly behind them and being the people watcher that I am, I watched. Now you'd think that with this little cutie on his arm that he wouldn't need to look any further than his own table... wrong. The whole time he's sitting there rubbing her ass he's checking out the girl at the table next to Josh and I. The fucking pig.
I swear sometimes I hate being a guy. Not because I think they're all stupid pigs but because I hate being lumped in with the lower end of the intelligence spectrum. Oh well.
my 2-cents.