The strangest things happen in my house these days. If you were to walk into my house at the right moment you'd get to see one of my roommates dressed in a tooth fairy outfit. Another moment later you'd find one of my roommates threatening to cut me. His exact words were "I'm not a little girl anymore. I have a knife. I'll cut you." All I could think to say is, "I know." and then go back to eating my Hostess cupcake and watching TV. He says things like that all the time. One time he threatened to hit me with the couch. He wasn't going to throw it at me, he was going to pick it up and beat me repeatedly with my own loveseat. I had to laugh at that one because he's only about 5' 6" and maybe 140lbs. One time I told him to go fuck himself and he picked up the vacuum. I'm not completely sure what he planned to use it for but I'm sure it would have been funny. Small people make me laugh.
I'm glad I have my roommates here to keep me laughing. If I were still living on my own I'd be having a hell of a time right now. I hate being such a big sissy-pants but I have to admit I have a mean case of "Girl-on-the-brain" Normally this wouldn't bother me so much but the girl I've got on the brain is trapped in Minnesota. I'm not sure what to do because it's not like we broke up and she moved to get away from me. If it were only that simple, but no, she left on excellent conditions and now I'm stuck here in P-town wondering what the hell to do. When she left there was only one thing I regretted. I wanted to say it. You know, the "L" word. I wanted so badly to say it but I didn't want her to think that it was just one last pathetic attempt trying to keep her here. I want to her to know that when I tell her that I love her, that the only reason I'm telling her is because I really mean it.
The other night I sent her an e-mail. I told her about a thought I had on the way to work. Basically what it boiled down to is that everything in life gets replaced in one way or another. Towards the end of the e-mail I was telling her about this flower shop that gives away free flowers by posting a sign outside that says:
"If you name is ____ come in for your free rose."
Every day the name changes and is replaced buy another. That particular day the sign came into view very slowly as the bus stopped. The letters came into view one at a time; M...A...R...S. The next few letters were blocked by a tree branch drooping down in front of the sign but I could make out the last letter and it was most certainly an "A". The name ended up being Marsha not Marsina but for a brief moment chills ran up my spin and my heart skipped a beat. I explained to her that I realized something very important right then.
Some things just can't be replaced.
I'm glad I have my roommates here to keep me laughing. If I were still living on my own I'd be having a hell of a time right now. I hate being such a big sissy-pants but I have to admit I have a mean case of "Girl-on-the-brain" Normally this wouldn't bother me so much but the girl I've got on the brain is trapped in Minnesota. I'm not sure what to do because it's not like we broke up and she moved to get away from me. If it were only that simple, but no, she left on excellent conditions and now I'm stuck here in P-town wondering what the hell to do. When she left there was only one thing I regretted. I wanted to say it. You know, the "L" word. I wanted so badly to say it but I didn't want her to think that it was just one last pathetic attempt trying to keep her here. I want to her to know that when I tell her that I love her, that the only reason I'm telling her is because I really mean it.
The other night I sent her an e-mail. I told her about a thought I had on the way to work. Basically what it boiled down to is that everything in life gets replaced in one way or another. Towards the end of the e-mail I was telling her about this flower shop that gives away free flowers by posting a sign outside that says:
"If you name is ____ come in for your free rose."
Every day the name changes and is replaced buy another. That particular day the sign came into view very slowly as the bus stopped. The letters came into view one at a time; M...A...R...S. The next few letters were blocked by a tree branch drooping down in front of the sign but I could make out the last letter and it was most certainly an "A". The name ended up being Marsha not Marsina but for a brief moment chills ran up my spin and my heart skipped a beat. I explained to her that I realized something very important right then.
Some things just can't be replaced.