Fuck.FUck.fUck.FuCk.FUCk.fUCK.fuCK.FucK.fucK.fuCk.fUcK.fUCk.FUCK!!!....she's gone.
Wanna know what I'm listening to? Promise not to laugh?
"My Immortal" ~ Evanescence
I hate it when I end up having to eat my own words. I told myself that I would never let myself get like this ever again and here I am shoveling those words back and chasing them down with a big fat glass of pitty-juice.
Oh yea, did I mention my pillows smell like her....
Wanna know what I'm listening to? Promise not to laugh?
"My Immortal" ~ Evanescence
I hate it when I end up having to eat my own words. I told myself that I would never let myself get like this ever again and here I am shoveling those words back and chasing them down with a big fat glass of pitty-juice.
Oh yea, did I mention my pillows smell like her....
who can blame you for loving your pillow more now?
i mean c'mon even i thought.. gees she's a great gal
drink the pitty juice with pride
eat your words but remember to chew,
or you might get all choked up
at least you felt that way right?