Damn it!! Why am I not all powerful?
My tooth ache, Marsina leaving, the rain and Mars exit all seem to happen right about the same time. Coincidence? Nope, just the man up stairs fucking with me again. I know that all of these things were bound to happen sooner or later, I just hate having things taken away from me and replaced with a bunch of crap.
Tooth aches are just going to happen to me. It comes from years of some pretty harsh treatment on my teeth and a serious lack of good dental hygiene in the past.
Marsina leaving; thats just something that couldnt last forever. And to be honest I havent completely written things off with her and I just have to be somewhat realistic about the fact that its all of a sudden become a long distance relationship and those have a way of not working out.
Rain; I live in Portland and I really shouldnt complain about things like rain and bad weather because no matter how much I want it to be sunny and 70 its going to do what ever it wants.
Mars leaving; this one is just stupid, I know that planets cant just sit still just because I want them to.
If anybody knows how to make toothaches go away, maintain a long distance relationship, control the weather, or manipulate the orbit of a major planetary body, please clue me in.
My tooth ache, Marsina leaving, the rain and Mars exit all seem to happen right about the same time. Coincidence? Nope, just the man up stairs fucking with me again. I know that all of these things were bound to happen sooner or later, I just hate having things taken away from me and replaced with a bunch of crap.
Tooth aches are just going to happen to me. It comes from years of some pretty harsh treatment on my teeth and a serious lack of good dental hygiene in the past.
Marsina leaving; thats just something that couldnt last forever. And to be honest I havent completely written things off with her and I just have to be somewhat realistic about the fact that its all of a sudden become a long distance relationship and those have a way of not working out.
Rain; I live in Portland and I really shouldnt complain about things like rain and bad weather because no matter how much I want it to be sunny and 70 its going to do what ever it wants.
Mars leaving; this one is just stupid, I know that planets cant just sit still just because I want them to.
If anybody knows how to make toothaches go away, maintain a long distance relationship, control the weather, or manipulate the orbit of a major planetary body, please clue me in.