I've been doing what one of my friends likes to call the self-reflection thing. It seems that everything I do lately effects me more than most people realize. I can't help but think of everything I see and do as some gigantic metaphor. Maybe it's some sort of spiritual rebirth. Maybe it's some cosmic message that I'm finally listening to. Maybe it's a mid-life crisis. The point is that it's caused me to do a lot of soul searching.
"Soul Searching", most people would say means that you're supposed to look within your soul and search for some sort of true meaning or inner peace, that the answers are all in you and all you have to do is look for them? Personally, I think it means that you have to go out into the world in search of your soul; that somewhere out there is a soul with your name on it? That one day you just see it and say "Hey...I've been looking all over the place for this."
In certain religions everything has a soul. People, rocks, your car; we're all children of God, right? Each with our own individuality, our own soul. How can you be sure that the soul you've found is even really yours. What does the soul of a rock look like? What would a car need a soul for? What does your soul look like? What would you need a soul for? Maybe souls are like those 'one size fit all' gloves that you can buy for a buck in the winter; you get to choose the color but for the most part they're all the same.
The funny thing is that there'll probably never be a way to tell whether a rock has a soul or whether your car feels bad every time you call it a piece of shit or that something will leave my body when I die. So until then, if you see some wierd guy on the street looking for something, it's just me and I'm just doing a little Soul searching
"Soul Searching", most people would say means that you're supposed to look within your soul and search for some sort of true meaning or inner peace, that the answers are all in you and all you have to do is look for them? Personally, I think it means that you have to go out into the world in search of your soul; that somewhere out there is a soul with your name on it? That one day you just see it and say "Hey...I've been looking all over the place for this."
In certain religions everything has a soul. People, rocks, your car; we're all children of God, right? Each with our own individuality, our own soul. How can you be sure that the soul you've found is even really yours. What does the soul of a rock look like? What would a car need a soul for? What does your soul look like? What would you need a soul for? Maybe souls are like those 'one size fit all' gloves that you can buy for a buck in the winter; you get to choose the color but for the most part they're all the same.
The funny thing is that there'll probably never be a way to tell whether a rock has a soul or whether your car feels bad every time you call it a piece of shit or that something will leave my body when I die. So until then, if you see some wierd guy on the street looking for something, it's just me and I'm just doing a little Soul searching