I'm going to have roommates soon I'm very likely going to move into a house with three other guys; Josh, Mikey, Ryan and me in a big party house. Ryan and know a little about each other but we've agreed to just be honest if one of us gets on the others nerves. Josh, I've come to know pretty well. He's a cool cat and quite the ladies man. The best way to describe him would be to say that he's crazy. But If youreally wanted to classify him, you'd probably have to say that he's a sociopath. Mikey I'd never met, but he's one of Josh's best friends so the guy can't be that bad.
"Big Willy's Pimp's and Ho's party", Tell me the name alone doesn't just scream 'raging good time'. I told my work that my sister had been in some sort of horrible accident and that I wouldn't be able to make it in. I feel bad for telling my friends at work such a nasty lie but I needed an excuse that would match the grandiose party that I'd be attending. The day actually got started pretty early. Josh came over and we went out in search of our custumes for the party. Finding the perfect costume can be easy as long as you're not looking for some super extravigant. All I need is stylin' hat, some fake gold chains, huge gold sunglasses and BAM... Big Pimpin.
Josh and I needed to get out of the heat for a bit so we headed off to his place to hook up with another friend before the party. Our friend Keith showed up and we headed out for a night of debauchery. By then the heat had died down so we just walked to the party. Three blocks away from party and we're already seeing people get out of there cars and head the same direction. Parking that far away must mean there's already a bunch of people there.
The house was huge, I mean...wow. Josh has been talking about getting a house just like this for the four of us to move into. He's also talking about throwing parties like this. If I could have any part in a party like this it would be truly something to be proud of. Oh, and I was supposed to meet Mikey there, I've heard a lot about him, a lot. I've heard of Mikey's good points and his bad. I heard from this person and from that person that Mikey did this or that. Apparently there's a lot to know about him. I thought I had a pretty good idea of where this guy might be coming from so I was sure that him and I would get along just fine. The poor guy, he probably didn't know me from Jack and I had him all figured out. He sounded like he'd be a cool roomate.
An hour or two into this amazing festival of flesh and sweat and I'm feeling extremely good. A girl I was hoping to see there had shown up and she looked outstanding. I swear sometimes it was hard not to just follow her around like a little puppy, drooling and making an ass of myself. I managed not to do that... I think. Anyway, Josh comes up and says he's going to make a run to the 7-11. For some reason a Red bull sounded really good so I go with him.
We get to the 7-11 and Josh starts talking to some guy from the party. The guy says if we want he'll give us a ride back. It's only a couple blocks but Josh says "Sure". They go to get in this guys truck while I wait for the cashier to count out the correct change. Josh says hop in the front, he'll sit in the truck bed. I don't know this guy from Jack but I get in the truck. The guy's laughing and trying to find the right song on the cd-player and he turns and says "Put you're seatbelt on."
Once I had my belt on he throws the truck in reverse and squeals back and just as quick, he hits the breaks. He does that a few more times and twists the truck until we're finally pointing out of the parking lot. "That's some pretty creative driving." I tell him. He said that he was try to shake up the guy in the back. I look back and everybody's present and accounted for, hell Josh was just back there laughing. The guy speeds out of the parking lot and down the street. I'd consciously elected to not open my Red bull so that it wouldn't spill from all of the 'creative driving' going on. We made it back to the party safe and as I'm getting out of the passenger side of the truck, Josh hops over the side and says, "Now you've met Mikey."
"Big Willy's Pimp's and Ho's party", Tell me the name alone doesn't just scream 'raging good time'. I told my work that my sister had been in some sort of horrible accident and that I wouldn't be able to make it in. I feel bad for telling my friends at work such a nasty lie but I needed an excuse that would match the grandiose party that I'd be attending. The day actually got started pretty early. Josh came over and we went out in search of our custumes for the party. Finding the perfect costume can be easy as long as you're not looking for some super extravigant. All I need is stylin' hat, some fake gold chains, huge gold sunglasses and BAM... Big Pimpin.
Josh and I needed to get out of the heat for a bit so we headed off to his place to hook up with another friend before the party. Our friend Keith showed up and we headed out for a night of debauchery. By then the heat had died down so we just walked to the party. Three blocks away from party and we're already seeing people get out of there cars and head the same direction. Parking that far away must mean there's already a bunch of people there.
The house was huge, I mean...wow. Josh has been talking about getting a house just like this for the four of us to move into. He's also talking about throwing parties like this. If I could have any part in a party like this it would be truly something to be proud of. Oh, and I was supposed to meet Mikey there, I've heard a lot about him, a lot. I've heard of Mikey's good points and his bad. I heard from this person and from that person that Mikey did this or that. Apparently there's a lot to know about him. I thought I had a pretty good idea of where this guy might be coming from so I was sure that him and I would get along just fine. The poor guy, he probably didn't know me from Jack and I had him all figured out. He sounded like he'd be a cool roomate.
An hour or two into this amazing festival of flesh and sweat and I'm feeling extremely good. A girl I was hoping to see there had shown up and she looked outstanding. I swear sometimes it was hard not to just follow her around like a little puppy, drooling and making an ass of myself. I managed not to do that... I think. Anyway, Josh comes up and says he's going to make a run to the 7-11. For some reason a Red bull sounded really good so I go with him.
We get to the 7-11 and Josh starts talking to some guy from the party. The guy says if we want he'll give us a ride back. It's only a couple blocks but Josh says "Sure". They go to get in this guys truck while I wait for the cashier to count out the correct change. Josh says hop in the front, he'll sit in the truck bed. I don't know this guy from Jack but I get in the truck. The guy's laughing and trying to find the right song on the cd-player and he turns and says "Put you're seatbelt on."
Once I had my belt on he throws the truck in reverse and squeals back and just as quick, he hits the breaks. He does that a few more times and twists the truck until we're finally pointing out of the parking lot. "That's some pretty creative driving." I tell him. He said that he was try to shake up the guy in the back. I look back and everybody's present and accounted for, hell Josh was just back there laughing. The guy speeds out of the parking lot and down the street. I'd consciously elected to not open my Red bull so that it wouldn't spill from all of the 'creative driving' going on. We made it back to the party safe and as I'm getting out of the passenger side of the truck, Josh hops over the side and says, "Now you've met Mikey."