I still can't get over this weekend. I know I shouldn't be putting so much thought in to it but it was just so amazing compared to the last one.
Last weekend was a complete wreak and this one was laid back and cool. It wasn't just the super-hottie that I met, there were other things too.
Like my baby sister came back from New York. She's 21 so I guess she's not really a baby but I'm the oldest, it gives me the right to call her that. It sounds like she had an amazing time. Some of her highlights include; go-cart racing with ascetic jews on Coney island, hanging out in some abandoned bell tower with a bunch of Rastafari, and meeting Cowboy Curtis (from Pee Wee's playhouse or Morpheus if your a Matrix junkie). I'm so jealous.
I also got to see a bunch of old friends from the day-care center I used to work at. It's been years since I've seen them. It's quite possible that the last time they saw me, I was still sportin hair down to the middle of my back. I was also a good 20-30 pounds heavier back then. I know I'm not supposed to stress on the physical aspects, but it's a really nice feeling when people tell you that you look great, and they don't sound like there just saying it to be nice. I'm so glad I got to see them again, they're the kind of people that you can't help but love, there just so wonderful.
And thanks to my baby brother I had FIVE disks of Invader Zim to watch at work today. Again he's not quite a baby at the age of 19, but I have my rights.
I'm actually going to have to bust my ass to get some stuff taken care of before "Big Willy's Pimp's & Ho's Party", but I think it'll be worth it in the long run no matter what happens.
I'm begining to think that I need to quickly find some thing disastrous to focus on. It's a good thing I'm such a realist; I can recognize that it's very possible that there are a few things may fall threw. I can also recognize that if I just let things play out they may work out better than I could hope for. Th big part of course is realizing that no matter how much you try, things will never be exactly as you imagined. All I can do is live my life and enjoy everything it has to offer me. And right now, I think life wants me to go enjoy some food and sleep.
Last weekend was a complete wreak and this one was laid back and cool. It wasn't just the super-hottie that I met, there were other things too.
Like my baby sister came back from New York. She's 21 so I guess she's not really a baby but I'm the oldest, it gives me the right to call her that. It sounds like she had an amazing time. Some of her highlights include; go-cart racing with ascetic jews on Coney island, hanging out in some abandoned bell tower with a bunch of Rastafari, and meeting Cowboy Curtis (from Pee Wee's playhouse or Morpheus if your a Matrix junkie). I'm so jealous.
I also got to see a bunch of old friends from the day-care center I used to work at. It's been years since I've seen them. It's quite possible that the last time they saw me, I was still sportin hair down to the middle of my back. I was also a good 20-30 pounds heavier back then. I know I'm not supposed to stress on the physical aspects, but it's a really nice feeling when people tell you that you look great, and they don't sound like there just saying it to be nice. I'm so glad I got to see them again, they're the kind of people that you can't help but love, there just so wonderful.
And thanks to my baby brother I had FIVE disks of Invader Zim to watch at work today. Again he's not quite a baby at the age of 19, but I have my rights.
I'm actually going to have to bust my ass to get some stuff taken care of before "Big Willy's Pimp's & Ho's Party", but I think it'll be worth it in the long run no matter what happens.
I'm begining to think that I need to quickly find some thing disastrous to focus on. It's a good thing I'm such a realist; I can recognize that it's very possible that there are a few things may fall threw. I can also recognize that if I just let things play out they may work out better than I could hope for. Th big part of course is realizing that no matter how much you try, things will never be exactly as you imagined. All I can do is live my life and enjoy everything it has to offer me. And right now, I think life wants me to go enjoy some food and sleep.