I'm sick of my stupid little getto-style life. Everything that I can think of is getto-style. My couch, a hand-me-down for my ex-girlfriend. My TV, hand-me-down. I don't even have a real stereo in my house. I have an old boombox that's on loan to me from my ex. My computer runs on a 14k modem and you guessed it, it's a hand-me-down. I have a playstation 2 but it belongs to my baby brother. I can play CD's on the computer as long as I have headphones (No sound card on the PC) or I can play them on the playstaion 2 but the TV only has Mono sound capabilities. The boombox is so old it doesn't even know what a CD is. I can also listen to my cd's at work...if I don't mind the fact that it chops the songs all to hell because my computer at work is getto-style too.
I'm bitter today, I was bitter yesterday too but I thought it would pass. The first thing I get to hear when I get to my desk is a phone call from my boss telling how really screwed up things are and how come I didn't fix things yesterday. I want to tell her that the reason I didn't look into the problem yesterday, is because I hate the corporation that I work for and I could care less because I'm just holding out for my turn to get laid-off. I told her it wasn't a big deal yesterday and I thought I'd dealt with it completely. She asks why I never told her about it when the problem started. I want to tell her that it's because the corporation that I work for needs to realize that once they fire the weekend and graveyard people that shit is going to start breaking a lot more often, not a threat, just the natural course of things. Because CEO's and VP's don't see what's going on they think that there really is nothing going on. They don't see us as necessary because they can't see what we're doing. *steps down off of his soapbox* Plus, I still won't give a shit about this place. I told her that it was a tiny problem yesterday when I left, which snowballed once people came to work this morning. I found myself hoping that she would say that my services would no longer be needed at this facility, to go ahead and go home never to return. She didn't. All I want is to be fired, laid-off, canned, pink-slipped, organizationally changed. Please.
Listen to me bust out some crazy-ass, free-style shit, yo.
I'm sick of my getto-style life,
If I found girl I could make her getto-style wife.
We could get married and have 2.5 getto-kids, and one getto-dog.
The kid's only toy would be getto-logs
They can play in the dirt and build getto-houses from sticks
Then add some water to make getto-style bricks.
But I live alone in a getto-style pit,
A cramped little studio filled with getto-style shit.
I'm bitter today, I was bitter yesterday too but I thought it would pass. The first thing I get to hear when I get to my desk is a phone call from my boss telling how really screwed up things are and how come I didn't fix things yesterday. I want to tell her that the reason I didn't look into the problem yesterday, is because I hate the corporation that I work for and I could care less because I'm just holding out for my turn to get laid-off. I told her it wasn't a big deal yesterday and I thought I'd dealt with it completely. She asks why I never told her about it when the problem started. I want to tell her that it's because the corporation that I work for needs to realize that once they fire the weekend and graveyard people that shit is going to start breaking a lot more often, not a threat, just the natural course of things. Because CEO's and VP's don't see what's going on they think that there really is nothing going on. They don't see us as necessary because they can't see what we're doing. *steps down off of his soapbox* Plus, I still won't give a shit about this place. I told her that it was a tiny problem yesterday when I left, which snowballed once people came to work this morning. I found myself hoping that she would say that my services would no longer be needed at this facility, to go ahead and go home never to return. She didn't. All I want is to be fired, laid-off, canned, pink-slipped, organizationally changed. Please.
Listen to me bust out some crazy-ass, free-style shit, yo.
I'm sick of my getto-style life,
If I found girl I could make her getto-style wife.
We could get married and have 2.5 getto-kids, and one getto-dog.
The kid's only toy would be getto-logs
They can play in the dirt and build getto-houses from sticks
Then add some water to make getto-style bricks.
But I live alone in a getto-style pit,
A cramped little studio filled with getto-style shit.