My ex called me today to tell me that her aunt is going to have to put one of her dogs to sleep. Nolan, the big 'ol, shaggy, goofy, Irish wolfhound. He's so cute
We talked for a bit about how her family was dealing with the news. It was a bit rough on both of us, I can only imagine how they feel. He's had cancer for a while and they did everything that they could but in the end it was just to painful for him. He was so sweet, I love him
One of my fondest memories of Nolan was during football season. I was sitting on the couch watching the Raiders game and he comes over to watch with me. . Naturally, because he's huge, he thinks he's a lap dog. This really doesn't work on account of he's big enough to block out the sun so I tell him maybe he should try sitting next to me instead of on top of me. He took a seat next to me and we started talking to him about the game. He so big that he's got all four paws on the floor and he's still got his ass firmly planted on the couch. I turned to him and asked if he was a Raider's fan. He's says nothing... then he licks my face
. Clearly a fan. How could I not love him after that?
I will miss him.
Sidenote: Nolan was also part of the inspiration behind my online alias, He's the original Alphamale.

One of my fondest memories of Nolan was during football season. I was sitting on the couch watching the Raiders game and he comes over to watch with me. . Naturally, because he's huge, he thinks he's a lap dog. This really doesn't work on account of he's big enough to block out the sun so I tell him maybe he should try sitting next to me instead of on top of me. He took a seat next to me and we started talking to him about the game. He so big that he's got all four paws on the floor and he's still got his ass firmly planted on the couch. I turned to him and asked if he was a Raider's fan. He's says nothing... then he licks my face

I will miss him.

Sidenote: Nolan was also part of the inspiration behind my online alias, He's the original Alphamale.
Awww... I'm sorry to hear that.
Poor puppy.