Ok.. I have been watching the news and reading about this ISIS for a while now. The attacks on the French being the latest cry for attention from ISIS, I decided to look up some numbers and make a scorecard. I have been looking up some facts and I found out some interesting figures. ISIS and all of the other wantabe groups like them, are just like lil children throwing a temper tantrum. I mean the biggest planned attack from these amateurs could only kill 3000 Americans. Plus they had to kill there own people to do it.
Now I say "only" because this statement is about the numbers and not about emotions, families, and tragic things that came out of 9/11. I have nothing but respect for those people that have died from any attack from those amateurs. Keep reading and you will get my point, I hope.
The attack should have woken the United States up. Made us realize that these lil baby groups forgot the pecking order of the world. I believe that the attack would not have happened in the first place if they knew or respected it.
Because I am tired of hear about ISIS. I believe that the United States should remind these baby groups of what we can do. That when we do attack, that we don't do lil baby numbers like ISIS and the others. That when we say enough is enough, the USA will set down numbers like 90,000–146,000 in Hiroshima and when they thought that we wouldn't do it again we put down more numbers like 39,000–80,000 in Nagasaki. Only this time our weapons are smarter so the civilians are a lot safer. Oh and hey since you like to behead out people and post it on the internet. We also have put HD cameras on our weapons so we can watch you die on youtube. Nothing but the best for you idiots.
So ISIS, or as I like to say "WASWAS". Keep on recruiting and get all of the members you can. That way, when the United States does decide that you need to go away sooner rather than later. We will do what we always do as a nation of gamers. Beat our highest score.