hey everybody long time no speak! i've be insanely busy lately! work and school are going pretty well other than the classes im bored as hell in. im doing well in them but i hate going. i just found out recently that i made Dean's list last semester! how freaking cool is that!
now today obviously is election day, and i would like to say to everyone who hasn't voted yet to get out there and vote. but don't just vote for who everyone is telling you to vote for or for whom people are saying is the only correct vote. vote informed and for the candidate who best fits your personal beliefs. I personally do not like talking about who I'm voting for b/c i know that some people will not like it while others will support it. i have researched both candidates myself and have an informed opinion on each one which is going to help me make my decision and i believe this is the proper way to vote. don't listen to the media and the bashing on either side, listen to your own research. that is the best way to have an accurate perspective on each candidate.
with that being said i wish the best of luck to both John McCain and also Barack Obama. and no matter which one is elected, they will have my full support as an American(may not agree with their actions or decisions but i will support the office).
PS I miss you guys!
now today obviously is election day, and i would like to say to everyone who hasn't voted yet to get out there and vote. but don't just vote for who everyone is telling you to vote for or for whom people are saying is the only correct vote. vote informed and for the candidate who best fits your personal beliefs. I personally do not like talking about who I'm voting for b/c i know that some people will not like it while others will support it. i have researched both candidates myself and have an informed opinion on each one which is going to help me make my decision and i believe this is the proper way to vote. don't listen to the media and the bashing on either side, listen to your own research. that is the best way to have an accurate perspective on each candidate.
with that being said i wish the best of luck to both John McCain and also Barack Obama. and no matter which one is elected, they will have my full support as an American(may not agree with their actions or decisions but i will support the office).
PS I miss you guys!
I don't like to talk about it either - because people sometimes take things too far.
And I agree that you should always research. Don't just vote democrat cause that is what your parents were or that is what is cool. Don't just vote republican because you always have or because all your friends are.
Look at the issues, and really think about what person, not label, fits you best.
And I will also stand behind the president even if it is not who I voted for. We will get nothing done if we just pout