so yeah....i took my last final tuesday night and i just got all my grades back for the semester. and this is by far the best report card i've gotten since i was in 4th grade! i got 3 A's and 1 B!!! can i hear a FUCK YEAH BIATCHES!!!! lol so im pretty psyched! now back to working 60 hour weeks of manual labor till i find and internship with an engineering firm...(if anyone reading this works for an engineering firm/company im majoring in mechanical engineering if you can help me out!!!!) other than that i've pretty much just been keeping busy keeping my truck on the road. im probably gonna end up buying a celica and or a yamaha vstar custom 650 in the next few weeks as a daily driver/rider for the gas millage. but yeah pretty much im freaking psyched bout my grades! go me! lol. ok back to work ttyl
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 04, 2008
hey everybody long time no speak! i've be insanely busy lately! work … -
Saturday Aug 16, 2008
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Friday Jul 25, 2008
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Sunday Jul 20, 2008
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Monday Jun 30, 2008
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Sunday Jun 01, 2008
You know what really sucks...just when you think that your starting t… -
Saturday May 10, 2008
so yeah....i took my last final tuesday night and i just got all my g… -
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
ouch. yeah this week is already sucking rotten eggs and prob gonna co… -
Saturday Apr 19, 2008
well I'm off to Gettysburg for the weekend. call if you need me! -
Thursday Apr 17, 2008
wow this weather is absolutly gorgeous! i'm going outside to enjoy it!
You should reward yourself by signing up for the camping trip!