ouch. yeah this week is already sucking rotten eggs and prob gonna continue to suck rotten eggs! this morning till 2 am i was reinstalling norton 2008 which was being a pain in the ass. then when i wake up at 9 am to start working on my autocad project but when im checking my emails and stuff all of a sudden my screen flashes over with a big blue thing saying that my computer is infected with spamware. so i spend the majority of the morning trying to get rid of it but the background is still there but its not sending me the link anymore. then i get ahold of autocad b/c my license expired last night. so i spend the next 6 hours downloading and installing a new autocad and end up showing up late to class. now i have a major project i have to do for cad due tomorrow night, 2 labs due thursday for engineering materials, a presentation on that and a test. so yeah this week is gonna suck oh well. hit me up if you guys need anything
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Well here it is the big deuce deuce! thats right i'm officially 22! s… -
Saturday Mar 08, 2008
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Friday Jan 25, 2008
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Thursday Dec 27, 2007
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Monday Dec 10, 2007
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Tuesday Nov 13, 2007
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