Update time again. where has this year gone! its now july!!! I've been up here in jersey now for 6 months and im still not sure how i feel bout it. there are soo many things i miss about the other places I've been. mostly friends and the things we used to do. I guess going to school full time this spring and since may working 60 hour weeks I've been keeping pretty dang busy and haven't really allowed myself the opportunity to make to many friends up here. the sucky thing is come july 9th i'll be working 9 till 6 then going to class 7:30 till 10 pm! i have no clue whats going to happen. its only calculus 2 which is pretty easy to me but im going to be exhausted and have no clue when im going to get any work done. im still haven't finished unpacking all my stuff in the new house. i have bout 10 boxes of odds and ends, paperwork and books that i still need to go through and figure out where it needs to go. i'm tryinig to take some weekends off here and there so i can get a bit more active in the site and the events on here which im going to need some of your help with if you feel so inclinded

You're coming to dinner tonight?
Drop the tent off whenever, put it in the back yard... SKIP CLASS!!!