So I finally figured out what my problem was with the video I was working with, I was trying to get to complicated when the simple way was better. The problem now is that I have 800 some files I need to convert to illustration, and I certainly can't do that by hand. Does anybody know about digital video?
I've been spending far too much money. I need to buy important things and can't afford to now...it sucks.

Especially since a ADV still won't answer my e-mails about why I was charged for my DVDs and still haven't received any sort of shipping confirmation a month later...that's just bullshit, people!
i'm in a spending freeze. i'm afraid to spend anything until i'm assured i'll be promoted or at least getting lots of hours. i do need shoes though... whatever
Haha it was awesomly done the first scene of the ship was like all one take, and it was so completely Joss in writing, I loved it.
So Last night I had this fucked up dream.

I dreamed that, instead of mel gibson, dave mckean and neil gaiman made a movie about jesus. He wore a plastic mask like the one the burgger King wears...it was sorts scary. I dunno why they made a movie about jesus.

I'm getting new furniture and it is incredibly sexy, I'll take pictures when I have...
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i rent but it's thru the mans mother and i can do whatever i like to the house....she likes the improvements....

i have an idea about the profile pic, you create is and i'll use it biggrin
It's really good, it'll get you thinking, it's like a greek tragedy lol. Serenity is also really good, let me know what you think of it.
despite the fact I have absolutely no time I simply MUST clean my apartment...it's pretty gross.

I got some kick ass ideas for art today and went out and spent way too much money to experiment with them...hopefully I will see a return in the form of cash? probably not, but still, it's a thought.

I'd like to add that I finally found a pair...
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i have/wanted blue ones. i do want green ones. but not red ones...but then...red really isn't my color. tongue
aww thanks! being in love is not really puke-worthy but it gets stale real quick if you rub in people's faces all the time.

ooo! i dig your mohawk!
it seems I may have gone overboard with Amy, and now she's not talking to me.

Either that, or she's just busy whenever I try calling. surreal
I'll be sure to do that.. ::looks her up::
I'm sorry about Amy, it'll be ok keep your chin up! smile
can somebody please post something beautiful in my journal, because I seem to be at a loss.
"something beautiful"

six feet under has to be the most perfect show ever made.
I hate checks so much! Every check I write bounces, not even because I don't have the money, just because every check I write is somehow cashed AFTER my instant transfers are used the fuck up!!! I wish they would e-mail me or some shit when that happens so I FUCKING KNOW!!!
Something is really slowing my start up time and locking my computer up...I wonder what it is...

Anyway, it seems that I'm not allowed to be happy because now that I suddenly have a positive outlook on my love life I am sick as a dog and can't manage to get out of bed for my math class anyway. I missed it for the fourth...
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once again I have failed to complete my math homework. What the hell was I thinking trying to do a math minor?

anyway, I found a stereoscopic camera at savers. If anybody knows how to print images from one of these, let me know?
Thanks!...Again. tongue
I guess we all can't be Tom Hanks or Johnny Depp. I'll just have to settle... biggrin

Not bad for a noob alcohol-drinker, then.