seriously, my e-mail is pissing me off...I'm wondering why the university switched to IMAP.
couldnt tell ya shocked biggrin smile
Apparently I have to post twenty facts about myself. What a great way to procrastinate!

1. I've never broken a bone

2. My good friend Shteffi just found the source of the "Taxi Cab Chase" music from "The Fifth Element"

3. Sometimes when I curse I string together seemingly non-sensical phrases with often comical results. (Ex. Fucking Retarded Blanket Faced Asshole)

4. I make fun...
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haha ive never broken a bone either. lucky us. ::knock on wood:: thanks for the tag bud. lol. i tagged like 6 other people. i loved yours wink hope ya like mine smile
yes they areeee. mine is a bitch sometimes. like itll literally stop me from doing things.

and yes getting drunk IS overrated. i know this and i havent been drunk. i see what it does to people, and i cant stand it.
The owners of the Shell station down the street a Korean so they import all the cool asian snackies that are hard to find here in town. I nearly spent a fortune there tonight! blush I can't wait until Sam's Club sell Ramune by the case!
you just got tagged...because i am cool... tongue
pretty sure my computer shut itself down while I was in denver...not sure if I told it to when it was finished downloading...ugh, I'm so worried.

Anyway, I borrowed a voodoo love nut from a friend for my trip to denver today (honestly, I was feeling glooomy about my love life and suddenly she tells me about this thing, I was sucked in...it's not like...
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so I've given up on the whole mozilla e-mail thing, turns out the 75 dollar software that norton makes is not compatible with anything not made by a large corporation that doesn't understand that, no I don't want to take the spam from my spam folder and move it into my trash folder because that just means I have to delete it twice.

Bascially what...
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can anybody point in the direction of some plug ins for thunderbird e-mail? I'm confused as to why marking something as junkmail does nothing more than put a little junkmail icon next to it in the inbox...
no, i can't. but now that i'm here i can't NOT leave you a comment. i'm eating cereal. and watching south park. when i should be doing my homework.....

........have a lovely day!!
I'm getting really excited about the Burlesque show on the 25th. I don't know what else to say about it other than I'm really fucking excited.

Last night I watched "Closer" at a friend's house. If you haven't seen it, it's all about sex and four people having lots of it. After they have sex, they argue, and then they have sex again. All of...
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Oh, wow! You like the Billy Nayer Show!!! You've seen The American Astronaut, right? I love that film. So brilliant.

Enjoy the show!
im going to the burlesque show tommorrow night i cant wait!! ill definitely tell you how it is. my only hope is that its not 21+ to get in cuz then ill be royally fucked. i am realllly hoping itll be 18+.

i saw closer in theatres. i hated it!! lol but yea there was a lot of sex and hot people in it, which made it tolerable to sit through.
I've been waking up with a ringing in my ears for the past week or so. It's really strange, especially since I haven't been drinking at all. confused
lol id go to the doctor. could be an ear infection of some sort?

i saw you were a fellow gage fan, so i wanted to say hey smile ttys.
I got my DVDs Today! Finally! As pleased as I am, I am still ticked off they charged me for them and only shipped them the other day, that's bad business people! I got an extra one though...anybody into Generator Gawl? I've got vol. 1...

Anyway, I found out that the art department, or perhaps the entire university, that I attend is not, in fact,...
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shocked what does it mean to be acredited? oh...you don't know. i hope mine is.

i think if you get the sg logo tattooed you get a free membership for life...but yes...i'd prefer to just pay for the membership and get a tattoo of...something else.
I've still had precisely zero communication from SG on my missing stickers or ADV on my missing DVDs, I've sent several e-mails to both. It's really pissing me off. whatever
yeah, alot of people here seem to be having that problem...
people ask me if i eat chicken and fish all the time. nobody gets it...

i was going to order sg merch but maybe i should wait until yours shows up. surreal