So I figure I'll just play dumb with Amy...it's not like it's any of my business since I didn't really make it my business to begin with.

I've got so much to do this week, A paper due on thursday, a critique on finished sculpture tomorrow and a photo piece due the 14th. I'm going to have to bag the current piece and do my...
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Where's the tortured scream emoticon? As if my day couldn't get any worse, what with the emergency room and all. Fuck, how could I not see it coming!? Women are the fucking Devil! mad

another fucking football player too...it's a fucking conspriracy. I wish I could say more, but I'm absoliutely dejected at this point. The fucked up thing is I was about to send her...
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thank you for the friends request,
sure we can be friends x
What a shitty day, first I spent three hours running around searching for wing nuts. Home Depot...that's the giant corporation swallowing up hardware stores left and right...home Fucking depot...didn't have the right ones. Sutherlands was remodeling so, even though they are "Open" during the remodel, they were packed up somewhere. Finally I went to ACE, where I should have gon ein the first place, and...
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I've ben watching a rosanne marathon...best halloween episodes ever. biggrin
ARGHIKWHOIRDFHOSIRH)(@$*$)@QUKLSJ)@()$@#)$*IJ!!!!! mad

What kind of dumbass makes oatmeal overflow in his microwave TWICE in five minutes! Damn my stupid lack of dishes and a dishwasher that's actually worth a shit! mad

Fook! Turns out my whole day decided to suck blackeyed
I'm really sad...my turkey spoiled and I don't have the moulah to buy groceries right now. there was at least five more sandwiches worth there! no fucking fair.

I told a few people about the show and think I have earned myself some converts. well, I guess they weren't necesarilly against hot naked chicks before, but now they at least appreciate spending eleven bucks to...
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Sorry I missed the show. Sounds like it was way fun. I've been so lame lately. I'm consulting on a campgin right now - so i'm working 12 hours a day and even on the weekend. blackeyed

It will be over soon i can get back to anormal life, but i will miss the holloween season, my favorite.

-keep up the good work
that's what brothers are for right?
The show was a blast! I was saying how I was mad that Reagan hadn't done any solo stuff yet, and suddenly she came out to do hers! Plus it was a Napoleon Dynamite set, which, I'm sure, everybody in in photo will be thrilled to hear about!

However. Today I am a seething churning mass of conflict and it's a real downer...maybe it's just...
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reagan's napoleon dynamite dance was my favorite!
that napoleon thing was the shit......your friends looked like they were 16! eeek
I spent 83 bucks at Barnes and Noble with my new credit card. Excitement. whatever

one day left!

I wanted to add this fucked up story...I was driving around running errands, coming up a street behind this blue truck when I suddenly caught a HUGE fucking whiff of exhaust fumes. I was literally getting dizzy and having dry heaves by the time I realized I should...
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6:45 to 7 now....
i could spend three times that! i love that store.
Day twelve of the e-mail strike passed...still no hope for outlook express...and I'll be damn before I'm going to sacrifice another feature of my 75 dollar anti-virus software by using mozilla...

anyway, why is it that even numbered images in the girls' sets take longer to load?
Fook! I need me a break...I seriously haven't had a real nights sleep in two weeks...Art students really are gluttons for punishment.

Last night I spent 3 hours downloading "Chessmaster" and at the last second it got all fucked up because...well, I'm not even sure why. I think there is something wrong with my hard drive, because every time I try to download something to...
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