So I read this awesome book yesterday about Art and Graphic Design called "The Cheese Monkeys" it's by this guy who's designed tons of book covers, including the Jurrasic Park one (not the shitty speilberg movie version, but the simple cover of the hardcover from before the movie came out...anyway, it's fucking hilarious and has a lot to say about the medium...I'm going to recomend it to everybody who mentions art in the next twleve months!
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 18, 2005
seriously, my e-mail is pissing me off...I'm wondering why the univer… -
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
Apparently I have to post twenty facts about myself. What a great way… -
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
The owners of the Shell station down the street a Korean so they impo… -
Friday Oct 14, 2005
pretty sure my computer shut itself down while I was in denver...not … -
Wednesday Oct 12, 2005
so I've given up on the whole mozilla e-mail thing, turns out the 75 … -
Monday Oct 10, 2005
can anybody point in the direction of some plug ins for thunderbird e… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
I'm getting really excited about the Burlesque show on the 25th. I do… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
I've been waking up with a ringing in my ears for the past week or so… -
Wednesday Oct 05, 2005
I got my DVDs Today! Finally! As pleased as I am, I am still ticked o… -
Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
I've still had precisely zero communication from SG on my missing sti…