So I read this awesome book yesterday about Art and Graphic Design called "The Cheese Monkeys" it's by this guy who's designed tons of book covers, including the Jurrasic Park one (not the shitty speilberg movie version, but the simple cover of the hardcover from before the movie came out...anyway, it's fucking hilarious and has a lot to say about the medium...I'm going to recomend it to everybody who mentions art in the next twleve months!
More Blogs
Sunday Jan 29, 2006
I'm having trouble deciding on how to do my research images for Charl… -
Thursday Jan 26, 2006
So for those of you who were wondering, yes, you can cut through your… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
So I'm begining to realize I should start working on my work for the … -
Monday Jan 23, 2006
I finally got tired of stupid webmail through the university so I cha… -
Thursday Jan 19, 2006
fucking comcast, their technician isn't here yet and I'm pretty ticke… -
Monday Jan 16, 2006
I do wish AOL would stop adding silly features that I never intend to… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
Been working at winter park for a month no time to update, finally ca… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
Golden Crisp and Vanilla Soy Milk are positively scrumptious. Comc… -
Tuesday Dec 13, 2005
I saw Paycheck the other night... Ben Affleck doing something for m… -
Friday Dec 09, 2005
Egad, I woke up so hungry this morning. My friends and I went out …