So I read this awesome book yesterday about Art and Graphic Design called "The Cheese Monkeys" it's by this guy who's designed tons of book covers, including the Jurrasic Park one (not the shitty speilberg movie version, but the simple cover of the hardcover from before the movie came out...anyway, it's fucking hilarious and has a lot to say about the medium...I'm going to recomend it to everybody who mentions art in the next twleve months!
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
I just got spam mail from Al Franken, he's got pretty poor taste in p… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
By some freak quantum occurance in the laws of physics last night, wh… -
Sunday Feb 26, 2006
argh! iTunes has beavis and butthead! that's so fucking unfair...I su… -
Friday Feb 24, 2006
I really ought to stop spending money on stuff that doesn't relate to… -
Wednesday Feb 22, 2006
I talked to my photo instructor about my difficulties today and he sa… -
Thursday Feb 16, 2006
I got a message on my space from my ex-internet-girlfriend from 9th g… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
Every time I see someone playing an upright piano, they are playing s… -
Saturday Feb 11, 2006
Someone hijacked my PayPal account, I'm pretty pissed off, now I have… -
Friday Feb 10, 2006
I saw a black thong in the student center plaza today, I imagine ther… -
Thursday Feb 02, 2006
My roommate cleans things after he uses them, so my apartment smells …