So I read this awesome book yesterday about Art and Graphic Design called "The Cheese Monkeys" it's by this guy who's designed tons of book covers, including the Jurrasic Park one (not the shitty speilberg movie version, but the simple cover of the hardcover from before the movie came out...anyway, it's fucking hilarious and has a lot to say about the medium...I'm going to recomend it to everybody who mentions art in the next twleve months!
More Blogs
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
Very strange dreams last night...First I had a dream that I went to O… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
I felt the need to update...I don't know what to talk about though...… -
Monday Mar 27, 2006
What's the point in sending spam if there is no sex involved? Honestl… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re was absolutely Kick ass last night, even if they onl… -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
I'm such a total geek. I just confessed my love to Amy, over myspace.… -
Sunday Mar 19, 2006
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I didn't do much except watc… -
Monday Mar 13, 2006
I just watched "The Ring Two" with my sister, my big sister, and she … -
Tuesday Mar 07, 2006
My psych class was cancelled today, which means I have a bunch of tim… -
Saturday Mar 04, 2006
Depeche Mode has a music video made with the sims 2...the lyrics are … -
Thursday Mar 02, 2006
It turns out I need a stupid firewire cable to transfer video to a Ma…