I think those are the most honest words I've ever said to Amy...I hope she appreciates it...because they are probably the last words we'll ever say to each other.
Yeah, I'm pathetic...girls breaks my heart more times than I can count on one hand and I'm still sad when I finally decide I've had it with her bullshit...maybe this is why I haven't had a relationship that's lasted more than two weeks (aside from the internet one...but I don't like to count that one)
It's really despairing that it wasn't even really a relationship...but I don't know what the hell else to call the fucking thing...a fling? Nothing happened. A mistake...probably...maybe...although it was certainly the valuable lesson teaching kind of mistake...not the invade a sovreign nation while deceiving another nation sort of mistake.
Fuck it...I haven't got time for women...or girls...anyway. I've got four pieces of art work due in less than three weeks. I have a paper, a test and two final exams, and I have to plan my trip to europe. somewhere in there I've got to make time for bodily functions.
I really hope she decides not to go to Eisley on saturday...because I'm initiating this break-up, so I get to start picking teams...and the DuPree clan is on my fucking side, bitches.

It's really despairing that it wasn't even really a relationship...but I don't know what the hell else to call the fucking thing...a fling? Nothing happened. A mistake...probably...maybe...although it was certainly the valuable lesson teaching kind of mistake...not the invade a sovreign nation while deceiving another nation sort of mistake.

Fuck it...I haven't got time for women...or girls...anyway. I've got four pieces of art work due in less than three weeks. I have a paper, a test and two final exams, and I have to plan my trip to europe. somewhere in there I've got to make time for bodily functions.

I really hope she decides not to go to Eisley on saturday...because I'm initiating this break-up, so I get to start picking teams...and the DuPree clan is on my fucking side, bitches.