Very strange dreams last night...First I had a dream that I went to Ozzfest...which I would never willingly attend in teh first place, but it was at a newly remodeled Red Rocks Amphitheater where we were all locked in cages...including the bands...the cages were on tracks and moved around a lot. I have a feeling this cage thing is linked to the fact that I was forced to pay an extra 20 bucks for my Flaming lips ticket to be seated BEHIND general admission...WTF?!
The second dream started out like "The Field Of dreams", I was in a corn field and heard a voice...understanding the voice, having seen the movie, I somehow got the connection to baseball so I ran "Home" to the farm house. once inside, a very young Gabby Hoffman and I made jokes about me not fitting through a dog flap. Then I went into the attic to find three unexpectedly large rooms, each decorated in varying degrees of retro/art nouveau. The final room had a bunch of star wars memorbilia and these two kids who decided they wanted to have a lightsaber duel...I kicked some ass, but then got a call from my friend chris, who was letting me know that he played some april fools pranks on me and to go to my bathroom...He had disconnected my toilet from the wall and put glitter paint in my laundry...I got pissed and then woke up...fucking strange.

The second dream started out like "The Field Of dreams", I was in a corn field and heard a voice...understanding the voice, having seen the movie, I somehow got the connection to baseball so I ran "Home" to the farm house. once inside, a very young Gabby Hoffman and I made jokes about me not fitting through a dog flap. Then I went into the attic to find three unexpectedly large rooms, each decorated in varying degrees of retro/art nouveau. The final room had a bunch of star wars memorbilia and these two kids who decided they wanted to have a lightsaber duel...I kicked some ass, but then got a call from my friend chris, who was letting me know that he played some april fools pranks on me and to go to my bathroom...He had disconnected my toilet from the wall and put glitter paint in my laundry...I got pissed and then woke up...fucking strange.
thank u for the comment on my new set!