Okay, so I'm over the juice spillage, but I could still use tips on how to get the stickiness and stinkiness out of my desk.
I bought The Dresden Dolls "Yes Virginia" and The Flaming Lips "At War With the Mystics" today...certainly one of the better music purchases I've made this year...I can't wait to see The Flaming Lips at Red Rocks...it'll fucking rock.
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I bought The Dresden Dolls "Yes Virginia" and The Flaming Lips "At War With the Mystics" today...certainly one of the better music purchases I've made this year...I can't wait to see The Flaming Lips at Red Rocks...it'll fucking rock.
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Got a package today from Fed-Ex...well, my roommate did, but we weren't home...So they hid it under the doormat.
Let me put this in perspective. The doormat is 18 inches by 24 inches or so. The package is 18 inches, by 18 inches...by 6 inches. So here's the mat, draped over a box essentially four times its size. Now, I may be able to overlook...
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Let me put this in perspective. The doormat is 18 inches by 24 inches or so. The package is 18 inches, by 18 inches...by 6 inches. So here's the mat, draped over a box essentially four times its size. Now, I may be able to overlook...
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What is Asthma? Asthma is riding your bike every day for two years and not gaining any stamina...
It's really windy lately, and the wind is kicking up allergens like a mother fucker, fucking with my lungs...
They have a big T-shaped hose hooked up to the fire Hydrant outside my apartment, just draining...I don't know why.
It's really windy lately, and the wind is kicking up allergens like a mother fucker, fucking with my lungs...
They have a big T-shaped hose hooked up to the fire Hydrant outside my apartment, just draining...I don't know why.
thank you for the comment on my set

I'm so totally seeing three of the five bands I will see in the US this summer in Europe...and I could see Ween/Flaming lips, but I'm a day late.

Peeps are nasty, but they're fun to bite. Thanks for the comment on my set!
I think those are the most honest words I've ever said to Amy...I hope she appreciates it...because they are probably the last words we'll ever say to each other.
Yeah, I'm pathetic...girls breaks my heart more times than I can count on one hand and I'm still sad when I finally decide I've had it with her bullshit...maybe this is why I haven't had a...
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I had a dream I was being tortured by two women last night...okay it was more complicated than that. I was playing some video game with rockets and gun turrets and stuff and I died. Instead of "respawning" like normal I actually found myself in the game, fighting some war. I shoot these two women who I think are the enemy, but then I get...
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speechless.. what a weird dream.
I prefer to think of it as a lifestyle

Remember that game you used to play at the pool when you were little. Like telephone, but underwater? That's what tonight's set reminds me of.
Oh, and I need an ipod the photo/video capabilities to scan...it'f for art people...don't you want to be a patron damnit!?

Oh, and I need an ipod the photo/video capabilities to scan...it'f for art people...don't you want to be a patron damnit!?

i want to go swimming now...
hope everything is going well

hope everything is going well

i remember that game
and what about an ipod?

and what about an ipod?
Saw "Lucky Number Slevin" tonight...definitely one of the better movies I've seen in the past year. Good writing, Solid acting, interesting plot, not drawn out...definitely something I'd recommend.
Oh man I'm dying to see that one. Now that I know you approve I'm going for sure. 

Argh...I wish I knew more about buying plane tickets...I totally screwed myself by buying a one way ticket, because it turns out that Orbitz doesn't deal with flights to and from Prague...I canceled the other flight, but found that I could not get a round trip with the same airline...so now I've got a plane ticket I can't use, can't refund, and can't exchange!
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[Edited on Apr 24, 2006 7:48PM]
At least summer is almost here...