"man" -A biological creation arising out of a frequency modulated code-message, radiated into the genesis of continual creation. A biotransducer processing "thought forms" abd "light signals" for higher intelligence, limited to the "games" if the lower divinities, but given "the gift" of vehicle participation "in freedom of the spirit" through sonship in God. An image of preprogrammed DNA that can be articulated into being through certain sound and Light frequencies.
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 14, 2002
when the constant feature is removed, what will you resonate with? -
Saturday Jul 13, 2002
who are you and why are you reading my journal? my fellow human being… -
Thursday Jul 11, 2002
I see a slender red being, flame like and demonic. I stare at it whi… -
Tuesday Jul 09, 2002
journal entry #1. unification. the healing of past wounds. becoming… -
Sunday Jul 07, 2002
dream. in an arena. a bunch of middle aged people file out in rows a… -
Thursday Jul 04, 2002
dream: I was in some place far away from my home. My freind turelle… -
Wednesday Jul 03, 2002
dream: the main character in shawshank redemption is walking around h… -
Thursday Jun 20, 2002
do any of you work with astral projection and out of body experiences… -
Wednesday Jun 19, 2002
I just wanted to say to anyone who happens to read this that I wish y… -
Saturday Jun 08, 2002
little tokyo. sushi. best meal of life.