"man" -A biological creation arising out of a frequency modulated code-message, radiated into the genesis of continual creation. A biotransducer processing "thought forms" abd "light signals" for higher intelligence, limited to the "games" if the lower divinities, but given "the gift" of vehicle participation "in freedom of the spirit" through sonship in God. An image of preprogrammed DNA that can be articulated into being through certain sound and Light frequencies.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 30, 2002
more dreams about ufos and astral struggle. Ive been pulling grapes … -
Sunday Jul 28, 2002
Looks like there will be a delay till I go off to school. Thats fine … -
Sunday Jul 21, 2002
dispirited mood has arisen from an actual loss of spirit. In many cu… -
Saturday Jul 20, 2002
I see a tall being with a luminous body. Her face is very serene. W… -
Thursday Jul 18, 2002
I miss intimacy. I go to the parties, to the club, to wherever, and … -
Monday Jul 15, 2002
I talked to some birds in a wheatfield today. They were really playf… -
Monday Jul 15, 2002
think. do things. support existence. feel romantic. -
Monday Jul 15, 2002
thats it. im putting a picture up whenever i get my hands on that di… -
Sunday Jul 14, 2002
"man" -A biological creation arising out of a frequency modulated cod…