wheels within wheels.
cease any resistance to the new, even if you are sleepless and in pain, for longing for what is not happening only blinds you to the reality of each present moment. Be open.
imagine how much nature would flourish and radiate if we actively loved her. Imagine her gardens, forests and mountains. Imagine realms like subtle color and sound, which would open...
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i miss eric. one of the few dreadlocked people i like.
hi. long hard day of work. got a shipment in the mail. thankful. how are you doing?
i'm doing just fine. and now, the story of the urethrafish! my best friend was talking about urethrafish once, a couple years ago, and how they were little fish that would swim up your urethra and get stuck because they had barbs on them. i think he was making it up, but still... *shudder*
you can find me in the garden. Im waiting for you there. As time lifts, a speration, a rift. I follow it without hesitation. An old freind that never began and never ends. It uplifts. Lifting me, ever so slightly, for just a glimpse. A thick cloud that carries me. Strong and yet invisible. There are memories and wanting here, sadness and resolution, fading moments...
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got 4 hours of sleep the night before and its 38 hours later and Im still awake. Party, old freinds, x-girlfreind encounter. (xgirlfreind was super nervous around me, she needs to take care of herself and relax). Everybody is trying to get me to show up at event tommorw, but not into it. Tired. Can barely think. lot of stuff happen.
noooooo!!!I HATE spiders!!!!!!
good. you can read. you can probably do a lot of things cant you?
about your last enty, beautifully said. oh i also replied to your inquire in my journal. but i'm updateing that again too... just thought i'd help not to loose you there.
great invigorating.
great drive and power manifest themselves. Focus this strength through a central idea. Beware of hurting others by being excessive. The inner strength manifests itself drectly, so come out of retirement and engage yourself. A strong creative force is stirring thigns up. You must be able to hold on to your strength. Correct onesidedness in yourself and others. Having a great idea and...
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amen brotha!
if you are a Master, then it is time to teach. if you are a student, then it is time to learn.

where are you?
Last night was a good night for me. Section 8 was spinning and a guy named Jeremy was throwing together a live session with his Yamaha Rs7000 (or something like that). IT was rare to hear some intelligent techno like that live, but he got shut down, cause the owner was pissed caue somebody tagged the bathroom walls, (like itsour fault). I saw a freind...
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im going to concentrate on the physical world now and stay grounded. later.
are you sure you dont live in oakland? you look just like this friend of a friend of mine.
im in Pittsburgh - Oakland all the time, but never heard I looked like anybody there. What Oakland are you talking about?
Ive decided to start writing music again. Fusing the technical and creative aspects of it bring me to a precipice that Im quite familiar with. This time, perhaps I wont open myself psychically, spiritually, and emotionally too much and forget about being grounded. Im studying the relations between sacred gemoetry, fractals, sacred sites, astronomy, earth's magnetic grid, dna codes, consciousness, and how these relate to...
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