Alright. So, I suppose that I owe you all some sort of an explanation for where I have been.
My boyfriend has been in Iraq in the Army for the past year and he came home on leave a few weeks ago. When he got here, he proposed and I accepted, so we've been spending all of our time together. I'll provide you with a short synopsis of the last few weeks:
Wk. 1 tuesday-thursday He stayed with me at my college and I stressed the fuck out over trying to do all of my damn work while still paying attention to him. We went out to fancy dinners and homped a lot.
Wk.1 friday- Wk. 2 tuesday Flew to Cheyenne, Wyoming to visit his mother and siblings. Well, we actually flew to Denver, because you CANNOT fly to anywhere in Wyoming on a commercial flight.
When we arrived in Cheyenne, his mother's idiot boyfriend drove us on all of these backwater roads, continually saying that we were going in "the direction of Cheyenne". He persisted in this for 2 hours, while every road turned into a dead end, or gravel. Finally, we pulled over at a gas station to figure things out. The boy and I went inside to get some snacks. When we returned, they seemed prepared. However, as we travelled along, it became apparent that they hadn't actually looked at a map, or anything while we were at the gas station, they had just argued for 20 minutes. It ended up taking us 3.5 hours to get from Cheyenne to Denver, a trip which should actually take about an hour and a half. lame.
Depressing/bizarre things about Cheyenne:
-people stared at my piercings the whole time. My piercings are mundane. I've got two eyebrow barbells and a lip ring.
-there were tumbleweeds in the road all the time
-tigers in a 7 by 8 cage at the mall that you could pet for fifty dollars
-cowboy boots cost 500 dollars and thus lose their appeal as a novelty item
-Political conservatives everywhere
My boy's mother and I don't really get along. She's a terrible person and I dislike her immensely. Luckily, my fiance agrees. I spent most of my time petting their cat, Sushi.
Wk. 2 wednesday-friday
Mostly spent studying for midterms.
Beautiful weather and flowering trees made me happy to be back in the Northwest. I hate Cheyenne.
Thursday evening, I went out to eat with the boy's ex-stepdad, his online girlfriend, and his mooching 20 something year old friends. They were all exceedingly dull, my boy acted amusing and I felt uncomfortable for most of the time. They talked about how they feel that it's necessary for every household to have a gun, how much they love the Army and about smoking. I am an anti-smoking, pacifist Quaker. I hate guns. It was disgusting. The 20 somethings ordered all of the most expensive things on the menu and acted dumb. The online girlfriend kept talking about how much she loves the midwest and repeated the phrase "I guess I'm just a simple country gal" about 30 times. lame. I am NOT a simple country gal.
Wk. 2 friday- Wk. 3 tuesday: Went up to Seattle for part of my Spring Break.
-locked the keys in the car promptly upon arrival. Spent 4 hours trying to get a locksmith. A guy finally arrived with a coat hanger thingey and a plastic hammer head. He charged us 100 dollars. I wasn't going to pay him more than 40, but my boy shelled out
-the hotel had TEMPER-PEDIC matresses. Like the NASA kind! Woot.
-we stayed across the street from Pike's Place Market.
-Went to Archie McPhee's. It is the coolest store on earth. They also have a bunch of stuff available online, you should check it out.
-Got called Mrs. F_______ every time I went into the hotel lobby.
-Ate piroshkies. mmmmmm.
Wk. 3 tuesday evening- present
Hanging out in my hometown with the boy. He's staying with his parents on top of the "mountain" next to my town. It's about 20 minutes away.
-Went to see "Hostage", which was surprisingly entertaining and held my interest the entire time.
-Bought a cute, pink dress that's like a candystriper outfit with a strapless corset top.
-lots of cuddling with the boy
-got a long, green wig, green corduroy go-go dress, cream colored go-go sunglasses and green, sparkly eyelashes which I wore for St. Patricks day. We met his dad and disgusting stepmom for fancy dinner last night. I was all glammed out and my boy wore sunglasses the entire time. The 'rents were not pleased. mwa-ha-ha-ha.
-Went out to eat with boy, Abisnthe, and boy's best friend. Boy's best friend and I had a rather caustic altercation over winter break and never really got a good impression of each other, so I wan't really looking forward to it. However, things worked out beautifully and we gained a mutual respect. I credit the sushi.
I love my guy so insanely much. He's perfect. No one else even comes close. I'll post pic.s of us as soon as I get back to my college and can download them.
edited to add that I got hired for the summer camp job I applied for!
My boyfriend has been in Iraq in the Army for the past year and he came home on leave a few weeks ago. When he got here, he proposed and I accepted, so we've been spending all of our time together. I'll provide you with a short synopsis of the last few weeks:
Wk. 1 tuesday-thursday He stayed with me at my college and I stressed the fuck out over trying to do all of my damn work while still paying attention to him. We went out to fancy dinners and homped a lot.
Wk.1 friday- Wk. 2 tuesday Flew to Cheyenne, Wyoming to visit his mother and siblings. Well, we actually flew to Denver, because you CANNOT fly to anywhere in Wyoming on a commercial flight.

Depressing/bizarre things about Cheyenne:
-people stared at my piercings the whole time. My piercings are mundane. I've got two eyebrow barbells and a lip ring.
-there were tumbleweeds in the road all the time
-tigers in a 7 by 8 cage at the mall that you could pet for fifty dollars
-cowboy boots cost 500 dollars and thus lose their appeal as a novelty item
-Political conservatives everywhere
My boy's mother and I don't really get along. She's a terrible person and I dislike her immensely. Luckily, my fiance agrees. I spent most of my time petting their cat, Sushi.
Wk. 2 wednesday-friday
Mostly spent studying for midterms.

Thursday evening, I went out to eat with the boy's ex-stepdad, his online girlfriend, and his mooching 20 something year old friends. They were all exceedingly dull, my boy acted amusing and I felt uncomfortable for most of the time. They talked about how they feel that it's necessary for every household to have a gun, how much they love the Army and about smoking. I am an anti-smoking, pacifist Quaker. I hate guns. It was disgusting. The 20 somethings ordered all of the most expensive things on the menu and acted dumb. The online girlfriend kept talking about how much she loves the midwest and repeated the phrase "I guess I'm just a simple country gal" about 30 times. lame. I am NOT a simple country gal.
Wk. 2 friday- Wk. 3 tuesday: Went up to Seattle for part of my Spring Break.
-locked the keys in the car promptly upon arrival. Spent 4 hours trying to get a locksmith. A guy finally arrived with a coat hanger thingey and a plastic hammer head. He charged us 100 dollars. I wasn't going to pay him more than 40, but my boy shelled out
-the hotel had TEMPER-PEDIC matresses. Like the NASA kind! Woot.
-we stayed across the street from Pike's Place Market.
-Went to Archie McPhee's. It is the coolest store on earth. They also have a bunch of stuff available online, you should check it out.
-Got called Mrs. F_______ every time I went into the hotel lobby.
-Ate piroshkies. mmmmmm.
Wk. 3 tuesday evening- present
Hanging out in my hometown with the boy. He's staying with his parents on top of the "mountain" next to my town. It's about 20 minutes away.
-Went to see "Hostage", which was surprisingly entertaining and held my interest the entire time.
-Bought a cute, pink dress that's like a candystriper outfit with a strapless corset top.
-lots of cuddling with the boy
-got a long, green wig, green corduroy go-go dress, cream colored go-go sunglasses and green, sparkly eyelashes which I wore for St. Patricks day. We met his dad and disgusting stepmom for fancy dinner last night. I was all glammed out and my boy wore sunglasses the entire time. The 'rents were not pleased. mwa-ha-ha-ha.
-Went out to eat with boy, Abisnthe, and boy's best friend. Boy's best friend and I had a rather caustic altercation over winter break and never really got a good impression of each other, so I wan't really looking forward to it. However, things worked out beautifully and we gained a mutual respect. I credit the sushi.
I love my guy so insanely much. He's perfect. No one else even comes close. I'll post pic.s of us as soon as I get back to my college and can download them.

edited to add that I got hired for the summer camp job I applied for!
haha, I was cruising around SG and i noticed that archived SG cassiopeia put "the shocker" as 'favorite sexual position' - i wish she was till here so we could tell her how much that rocks ! 

That is a wonderful story. Glad to have you back in one piece and congratulations to you and your boy!!