Ta-dum! Here I am, back again. I'm feeling quite scatter-brained, so here are some tidbits.
-I almost got sideswiped by an out of control semi this morning, while driving my miniscule Nissan pick-up.
-I won a round of bowling against 5 other people and my score was only 97. I secretly wish that everyone was that bad at bowling. They acted like I was some kind of bowling GOD.
-I made a great deal of commitments to myself this morning while driving home in "icy conditions" from Olympia
1) Join school choir. Force them to sing Cat Stevens' "Wild World"
2) Get a job at Hollywood Video, as this is much closer to campus than the movie theater
3) Become an internationally known pop sensation, while either: a) only singing songs that other people write for me which are in a kind of Elton John meets Cat Stevens meets Le Tigre kind of vein, or b) writing my own songs that I think are rubbish, but everyone else adores, so that I can secretly hide away in my studio apartment in London laughing at the absurd tastes of the general public
4) Convince my school to let me play DDR for 2 hours, twice a week for P.E. credit.
There are others, but they're ones I'm not sure that I'll keep, so I don't want to tell you about them in case you decide to nag me about them.
- I do NOT like Evergreen. It is out of the way, the buildings are ugly and the people aren't friendly.
- I need to watch Debbie Does Dallas. Has anyone seen it? Is it brill?
- I'm going to start using annoying british slang all the time while typing. Examples include: brill, chuffed, TTFN, lorrie, flat, lift, etc. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- I have a new crush. His name is David Firth and I have never met him. We have never communicated in any way, but I know that he likes me too. Why else would he come out with these ab fab cartoons:
- Here's an account of my weekend:
I drove up to Olympia and stopped at Evergreen. Went and saw my ex-boyfriend. Smacked myself in the head for coming to see him, because he acted immature the entire time. I liked his friends much better than I liked him, so I went to a party with them, got high as a kite and told them all a million stories about my childhood. They were bizarrely interested. We went to the Dollar Tree to get some coloring books and they kept daring me to do things that were extremely painless to do and then being amazed when I did them (such as eating a box full of those marshmallow chickens). The next day I woke-up insanely late and went bowling with my ex-boyfriend's friends. I won for the first time in my life (see above). Went to my aunt and uncle's house. Their insane cat woke me up at 5 AM by banging its head on the wall right next to me. I shooed it away from the wall and it started banging its head on the piano. Apparently it also pees in its own water dish. My aunt and uncle were very nice and they took me out to eat a bunch, let me have friends over as late as I wanted, bought us all chinese take-out and rented us movies. Portland iced over, so I stayed an extra day, but was unable to go to Seattle. sad. oh well. I am now home.
Please love me and comment on me. If you don't, I might pee in my water dish.

-I almost got sideswiped by an out of control semi this morning, while driving my miniscule Nissan pick-up.
-I won a round of bowling against 5 other people and my score was only 97. I secretly wish that everyone was that bad at bowling. They acted like I was some kind of bowling GOD.
-I made a great deal of commitments to myself this morning while driving home in "icy conditions" from Olympia
1) Join school choir. Force them to sing Cat Stevens' "Wild World"
2) Get a job at Hollywood Video, as this is much closer to campus than the movie theater
3) Become an internationally known pop sensation, while either: a) only singing songs that other people write for me which are in a kind of Elton John meets Cat Stevens meets Le Tigre kind of vein, or b) writing my own songs that I think are rubbish, but everyone else adores, so that I can secretly hide away in my studio apartment in London laughing at the absurd tastes of the general public
4) Convince my school to let me play DDR for 2 hours, twice a week for P.E. credit.
There are others, but they're ones I'm not sure that I'll keep, so I don't want to tell you about them in case you decide to nag me about them.
- I do NOT like Evergreen. It is out of the way, the buildings are ugly and the people aren't friendly.
- I need to watch Debbie Does Dallas. Has anyone seen it? Is it brill?
- I'm going to start using annoying british slang all the time while typing. Examples include: brill, chuffed, TTFN, lorrie, flat, lift, etc. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- I have a new crush. His name is David Firth and I have never met him. We have never communicated in any way, but I know that he likes me too. Why else would he come out with these ab fab cartoons:
- Here's an account of my weekend:
I drove up to Olympia and stopped at Evergreen. Went and saw my ex-boyfriend. Smacked myself in the head for coming to see him, because he acted immature the entire time. I liked his friends much better than I liked him, so I went to a party with them, got high as a kite and told them all a million stories about my childhood. They were bizarrely interested. We went to the Dollar Tree to get some coloring books and they kept daring me to do things that were extremely painless to do and then being amazed when I did them (such as eating a box full of those marshmallow chickens). The next day I woke-up insanely late and went bowling with my ex-boyfriend's friends. I won for the first time in my life (see above). Went to my aunt and uncle's house. Their insane cat woke me up at 5 AM by banging its head on the wall right next to me. I shooed it away from the wall and it started banging its head on the piano. Apparently it also pees in its own water dish. My aunt and uncle were very nice and they took me out to eat a bunch, let me have friends over as late as I wanted, bought us all chinese take-out and rented us movies. Portland iced over, so I stayed an extra day, but was unable to go to Seattle. sad. oh well. I am now home.
Please love me and comment on me. If you don't, I might pee in my water dish.



DDR, huh? I'll look into it. I saw some teens playing it at Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH once. There was a big crowd of onlookers and they were very good. Of course, they were wearing dance practice-type attire, so they had a built in advantage.
If I have my way, we will be recording a DDR parody for the show fairly soon.
...on a good day I can totally break 90