merm. I think my souls gone on leave today. For some reason I just feel kind of empty. I tried dressing up fun, which usually makes me happy, but it didn't really work. Plus, these girls kept glaring at me when I went to get lunch. Only red foods/liquids looked good today. I had red juice and red jello. I'm still hungry, quelle suprise. It's a crappy, empty hungry where I don't want to eat. suck. Maybe the cause of the hollowness is doing non-stop schoolwork and still having more. At least if that's the case, I'll feel better this after today, as this next week has been shining like a beacon into the dark corners of my mind, with the promise of the boy, good food and little homework. Right now I can't really even bring myself to get excited about it. Watching Sifl and Olly isn't even cheering me up, for fucks sake! Well, I'll stop whining and get back to my drudgery. Sorry for the moping. End.
Eck, stupid glaring people. Maybe it was because you were just too darn good looking. I was in a wierd food mood too. It was meatball stuffed rolls, and chicken noodle soup.
Must be something in the air. This is the third journal entry I've read about something depressing. My sister bought me a baseball cap and I put it on when I met she and my mom this afternoon. As I was leaving my mom said I looked like Roger Moore. Perplexed I looked at myself in the mirror and thought "This doesn't look a thing like James Bond." Then I realized she meant Michael Moore. Now THAT is depressing. See? Jeremy funny! Don't be upset.