It's amazing. Tomorrow (Christmas) is my birthday and I haven't even thought about it.
I've been so focused on trying to spread the joy of Christmas with those I care about. My parents have been under a lot of financial duress, possibly have the bank foreclose on their house, which is fully paid off. So I surprised them on Sunday by getting them one of those HUGE Christmas cards and giving them $500, which was part of my little bonus I got this year, and I wish I could have given them more.
My dad has been having a lot of health issues lately, acute liver and kidney failure, he just started a new job recently and won't have benefits until February. I'm really worried about him. He gave up drinking completely and it's helped a little, but he can't afford to go in and get a full work up done, or get any sort of medication to help. It's rather scary lately, some days he looks like nothings ever been wrong and then the next he'll look like a jaundiced sailor that's been lost at sea with scurvy for a few years. It's been a very emotionally trying few months.
My folks have so much going on they didn't even want to do Christmas this year. So I'm having my parents, Grandma on my mom's side, my three brothers and their significant others and my best friend all over to my place to celebrate Christmas. I made sure to get everyone a gift even though my mom said that it was strictly to celebrate my birthday and no one should get each other gifts. I'm just trying to lift everyone's spirits. It's been a really rough year for all my family, my wife and I included. But we got a little good fortune thrown our way and I was raised to always share my fortune with others.
I'm hoping that everyone has a good time, I'm a bit worried because I was only able to get gifts for my brothers and parents, so I'm hoping my grandma and my brothers significant others aren't hurt. And I'm really hoping my dad is well enough to make it, we don't live far, but every day is a coin toss lately.
My wife surprised me tonight by making me open her gift to me early. She got me/us a 3D/4D Ultrasound/Sonogram set up for Jan 11 so we can see what our kid is fully gonna look like. The doctor we go to did an ultra sound to check gender back at 18 weeks, but their machine isn't too advanced/clear. And she'll be over 30 weeks by the 11th. I'm really excited. I'm sure I'll post pictures of everything when I got them.
And since she made me open my gift early, I made her open hers. Due to the pregnancy her fingers have swollen so she can't wear her wedding rings, which is killing her. She loves her rings and what they mean to her. So I got her a necklace and pendant, the pendant is a a heart within a heart, not only to represent the love her and I share, but also to represent the love growing inside of her (our baby.) She absolutely loved it. I was scared she wouldn't, since she doesn't wear necklaces often. I took video of her opening it, and once I upload it onto my computer I'll share it here, as well as whatever other Christmas pics I get/take.
Sorry for such a long, boring and picture free blog.
And as always I hope everyone in SG Land is having a wonderful holiday season.
Peace, Love, and Good Tidings to All,