There's nothing worse than having a friend in need that you can't help.
So the girl that I've been talking to and really like has been having a great week. However tonight something happened that really upset her. The two unfortunate things about that is, I don't know what happened nor am I close enough to be able to comfort her.
First thing, I text her as I normally do and ask her how things are going. "She replied not well at all. Haha." So I ask is there anything I can do to help, and she says she just needs to cry it out. I offer to drive over to her place and give her a shoulder to cry on, but she wants alone time. That's cool, I know that when I'm really upset at the world the last thing I want is someone around.
I tell her that I'm here for her and if she wants to talk about it she can, otherwise I'll leave it be. She says thanks and says that she definitely wants to talk to me it's just too long a story to explain right now and she just needs to let it roll off her back.
So we're talking and I'm making her laugh (At this point we're actually talking not texting, so I can actually hear her laughing, though she is still crying kinda hard.) Well we keep talking for a bit, I'm trying to draw something out of her so I can get her to laugh more or feel better, or at least so I know what's going on so I don't put my foot in my mouth. I say, "If it's a boy that made you cry I can beat him up.... Or get beat up, I'm willing to do what it takes to get you to smile." That got a good chuckle out of her.
She starts turning the conversation onto me, asking me what I'm up to and what not. I tell her I'm chilling at my buddy Mike's place and he's trying to find out where he was when the Google Earth pictures were taken. "He did find himself, in the parking lot of a Panda Express. It was the third place he looked, first was his house, then work.... We couldn't find me. I get out too much." That really got her laughing good. Which made me happy.
She asked why we were doing that. I said "We're two single guys on a Saturday night, what better fun could be had!?" Obviously being sarcastic. She again chuckled. Then I said, "This is why I need a job and a girl, preferably both." There was a small silence so I followed, "So if you're available...." Again, a small pause, she responded, "Available for what?" Kind of coyly, but it was hard to tell, since she had stopped crying at this point but you could still hear her voice was shaky. So not knowing if she was responding to me obviously asking her out in a round about way or not, I quickly said, "Anything, preferably fun, but your choice."
She laughed at that, said that "Fun is always good" And we kinda just dropped the subject and went on with our conversation until she said semi abruptly that she had to go get sleep. But that's how she always is with good byes, very polite but sudden.
So I guess what I'm saying here is I'm sad that she's so upset and I can't really help her other than get her to chuckle. And I'm not sure if she realizes I'm into her.
Oh well, as long as tomorrow is a better day for her I'm happy. I hate seeing people sad. It's my life goal to make everyone happy. I know, it's an easy one, but it's all I could think of on career day as a kid...
Love always,
So the girl that I've been talking to and really like has been having a great week. However tonight something happened that really upset her. The two unfortunate things about that is, I don't know what happened nor am I close enough to be able to comfort her.
First thing, I text her as I normally do and ask her how things are going. "She replied not well at all. Haha." So I ask is there anything I can do to help, and she says she just needs to cry it out. I offer to drive over to her place and give her a shoulder to cry on, but she wants alone time. That's cool, I know that when I'm really upset at the world the last thing I want is someone around.
I tell her that I'm here for her and if she wants to talk about it she can, otherwise I'll leave it be. She says thanks and says that she definitely wants to talk to me it's just too long a story to explain right now and she just needs to let it roll off her back.
So we're talking and I'm making her laugh (At this point we're actually talking not texting, so I can actually hear her laughing, though she is still crying kinda hard.) Well we keep talking for a bit, I'm trying to draw something out of her so I can get her to laugh more or feel better, or at least so I know what's going on so I don't put my foot in my mouth. I say, "If it's a boy that made you cry I can beat him up.... Or get beat up, I'm willing to do what it takes to get you to smile." That got a good chuckle out of her.
She starts turning the conversation onto me, asking me what I'm up to and what not. I tell her I'm chilling at my buddy Mike's place and he's trying to find out where he was when the Google Earth pictures were taken. "He did find himself, in the parking lot of a Panda Express. It was the third place he looked, first was his house, then work.... We couldn't find me. I get out too much." That really got her laughing good. Which made me happy.
She asked why we were doing that. I said "We're two single guys on a Saturday night, what better fun could be had!?" Obviously being sarcastic. She again chuckled. Then I said, "This is why I need a job and a girl, preferably both." There was a small silence so I followed, "So if you're available...." Again, a small pause, she responded, "Available for what?" Kind of coyly, but it was hard to tell, since she had stopped crying at this point but you could still hear her voice was shaky. So not knowing if she was responding to me obviously asking her out in a round about way or not, I quickly said, "Anything, preferably fun, but your choice."
She laughed at that, said that "Fun is always good" And we kinda just dropped the subject and went on with our conversation until she said semi abruptly that she had to go get sleep. But that's how she always is with good byes, very polite but sudden.
So I guess what I'm saying here is I'm sad that she's so upset and I can't really help her other than get her to chuckle. And I'm not sure if she realizes I'm into her.
Oh well, as long as tomorrow is a better day for her I'm happy. I hate seeing people sad. It's my life goal to make everyone happy. I know, it's an easy one, but it's all I could think of on career day as a kid...
Love always,