Oh my god... we're all creepy. There's no possible way you can be a man on this site and not be really, really creepy. There's no way you can spend more than a few weeks browsing through this site without eventually coming to this realization. Time to face facts... I'm creepy! At least back in the day when it was just about the girls and the pictures, it was straight up and out there in the open. Now it's a nice looking site with pink text and profile pictures so we feel less creepy as we write about inane things in our journals to fill up space and make us look like real people. But there's no denying it. We're lurking around every day, sending fan mail to our favourite SGs so they'll add us to their friends list. Seriously, would you want to randomly talk to guys like me on this site? Would you want to be my FRIEND because I swing by your profile every so often an leave a comment like, "You have nice tattoos. Have a nice day!"? Like... no. Hells no! Why would you? You can't interact with someone by reading their journal. So SGs... I admire you for your guts. But what in the name of god are you doing?
Somebody tell me I'm wrong. But I don't think you can.
Somebody tell me I'm wrong. But I don't think you can.
You're right... I wonder how they deal with guys like us. I have seen some of the other guys here and some of them are borderline stalker-ish... it creeps me out.