Give me two hours and I can waste it just like that...
This afternoon I was thinking, what if Tragique was in a comic book slaying legions of the undead... I think it would look like this:

28 Days Later is from the UK too right? That's a good zombie flick. In fact it's not the zombies that are cool in a zombie movie. Always, the factor that makes them cool is the transformation of the human characters... there is an inner savage beast that is unleashed and goes rampaging with a baseball bat against the undead. But it's not the killing that drives the appeal, nor is it the gore. It's the metamorphosis.
In a world ruled by the dead, man is no longer paralyzed by anxiety, fear, or remorse... the social aspect of life is all but gone, and the only thing that stands between a man and his goals is a walking lump of flesh that he can cut down with a chainsaw. No office politics, no relationship problems, no negotiations. Whenever life is hard, it always has something to do with people. A world without people is simple. In reality, this is an impossibility - and that's why we need zombies.
This afternoon I was thinking, what if Tragique was in a comic book slaying legions of the undead... I think it would look like this:

28 Days Later is from the UK too right? That's a good zombie flick. In fact it's not the zombies that are cool in a zombie movie. Always, the factor that makes them cool is the transformation of the human characters... there is an inner savage beast that is unleashed and goes rampaging with a baseball bat against the undead. But it's not the killing that drives the appeal, nor is it the gore. It's the metamorphosis.
In a world ruled by the dead, man is no longer paralyzed by anxiety, fear, or remorse... the social aspect of life is all but gone, and the only thing that stands between a man and his goals is a walking lump of flesh that he can cut down with a chainsaw. No office politics, no relationship problems, no negotiations. Whenever life is hard, it always has something to do with people. A world without people is simple. In reality, this is an impossibility - and that's why we need zombies.