i am begining to think that i am never sober anymore. i dont understand it but i hate reality. nothing good happens in reality. but in the magical land of mace anything is possible. i sopmetimes wish that reality was like being stoned then there would be no porblem u meet the nicest people when your fucked up.

Does anyone else have a problem with...
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hmmm being sober is nice sometimes...

like ive said before im naked!
the last post i made i must have been really friggin hammered because i honestly did not remember writing any of that shit soo yeah i really dont know its been awhile late at night here again wasted trying to fall asleep and cant i have frequent problems with not being able to sleep and it really sucks ass but whatrever fuck it

lets all...
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*prances around naked on yer journal*

ahhh drunk journalling rocks!
does you know what iot feels like to wrok your self almost to death and see almost absolutly no benfefits?... does anyone else every en wonder what the fucking purpose behind it is

me im 19 i live at home wioth my mom and work 2 full time jobs have no time for friends id honestly have to say my best friends is probably my...
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hmmm actually now that you mention it im naked now tongue
OH MY GOD! all this nakedness! I'm so glad that I'm not on one of those porno sites where the grils are all naked and stuff....wait a second!

you need to find some stupid people to hang out with, people do funny shit when they're drunk. Believe me I'm sober, I will remember everything. Did that really make sense? I dunno.
hey everyone one it sure has been ahile ive been out of state and back to work when you buy nothing but piece of shit cars the work never really seems to end because they walways break down. professional opinion. buy new cars i own three none of which are working at the moment odd they always all seem to go at the same time...
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whiner whiner tongue sorry i didnt comment sooner, its jsut you never fucking update tongue
DUDE! I'm the queen of complaining! I think I get it from my family, we have complaints up the wazoo! my friends hate it but I can't help it. oh yeah I also talk about myself too much but I really don't mean to.

If you can kinda fix a car you are still my hero. I don't even know where the oil goes in, I can't change a tire, I on't even know what the tire pressure should be in my car. AND I should know all this living in the greater LA area...you have to drive everywhere, at least I have an autoclub membership. HA HA. yeah but if know at least something about how to fix a car it's way better than what I know.
its been awhile...nothing new ever seems to happen around here ill assume that it is probably the same just about anywhere else though...mother always says the grass is always greener on the other side. newest revalation...... i look like a d bag with blue hair. suddenly since i lost weight i have an eating disorder. oddly enough when i weighed 250 people also said i...
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ahh i dont think ill do it just yet, maybe ill wait till i get tenure or something biggrin

[Edited on May 12, 2003]
hey do ever update? i never see you on Aim, did you die or something frown
as far as tonight goes there is nothing to be said or do but to welcome the frog home

Welcome Home Frog!

84th 84th 84th angel dust angel dust angel dust puke
Another night full of double speak and confusion does no one make sense anymore. i can never be sure.

just because they say your paranoid doesnt mean they arent out to get you whatever
i almost died tonight. it was really awesome! i have this terrible problem where i dont sleep for days on end because i love the night so much . tonight just like many other i took my huge big nasty jeep out becuase it has no top and when im driving at high speeds i look out the top at the stars it kinda give...
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this is my first entry and i dont have much to say what the fuck no on eis around right now i just lost all my money to some hustling asshole and i cant find my left fucking shoe this night is shot.......valium blackeyed
yo.. love the profile.. i think i know some of the same people.

yo philly!