im soo sleepy i failed to go to bed last night for some ungoddly reason i dont know why. sometime i enjoy the delirious confused feelings but today i had too much to do so the the goofiness was just not cutting it
my computer works great and my jeep is still "running" hopefully i ll get around to finishing that bitch tomorrow
i love...
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yes ... so today me and my bol Pinch where sitting in front of my house playing with the roller racer ( if anyone out there remebers that thing) and my neighbor came out and told me he had " picked up a few laptops he needed to un load" now of course this sounded very very shady.

soo i only bought one. i got...
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ugh toshiba.

you have a jeep for living in philly? seems like a strange choice.
ahhh nah i stick to what i know...nice safe Macs biggrin but thanks cutie
what is up all you all. im just chillen over here
johnny too koool in the mix with paul dick ryder and the hiary backed mary's

its a blast over here you shouldreally come and join us.

i learned a very valuable lesson yesterday.
i couldnt tellyou what the fuck it was but i spent nine hours working on a 2 hour job on my...
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i never thought i would miss school. for fuck's sake, i wanted to transfer all year.
good luck with your jeep. smile
hello peoples its 405 and i just decided to drag my lazy jobless ass out of bed

already im horribly bored. this is sad i need to work again soon

i will now whore myself out
please hire
real good at things terrible at stuff

likes fun confused
I think i quit my job you can never really be to sure with an event like this . at least with my expeirence anyway theres always seems to be some sort of gray area as to wether or no its understood that i wont be in tomorrow

hey guy ina about two weeks your gonna notice that i havent been around in about 2...
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yay! guess where i am






YAY YA YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

youre not leaving here are you?
living life humdrum: is that really even living?
today slept till about one sat on the couch till about 2 put brake on my jeep till about 6 ( i work slowly) played pool till about 11

does that sound horribly boring to anyone else

where is the spice of life something zesty and new

responses please mad
we cant let him get away now he'll report us at once to some sort of outback nazi law enforcement agency and they'll hunt us down like dogs.

does any one out there remeber that marvelous little creation made back in the late 80's- early 90's by that nifty little company wam-o you know the ass scooter
i think it was actually called the roller...
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man o man my balls friggin hurt
actually its not my balls i tore and inflamed one of my groin muscles

it really is the most unpleasant feeeling i have had in quite a while

have you ever spilled a pot of hot coffee on your cock in the middle of the winter. yeah its that feeeling constantly! it sucks the meds arent helping

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Thanks much for this delightful update.. now that I'm done reading it, I'm going to scrub away the memories with high-molar acid and a handful of steel wool.
Woah this past week has been a huge roller coaster. i got put on the injury disabled list for a groin injury i sustained earlier this week after which this week become nothin but a helll bent friezy of scipt pain killers muslce relaxers and no sleep i was in a bad way twards the end but luckily things worked out in the end and...
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what the fuck?? where did it go? did anyone else just see that fucking thing? no..? shit i knew it. fucking crazy . great add that to my huge big to do list of things to fix
speaking of to do lists heres one we made for our boss
1. find your fucking thumb
2. stop whining about time
3.if your gonna whine about time...
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by dude im leaving for two weeks on vaction, so i wont be able to leave journally thingies...