The E E T was a crazy interesting time. i posted some of the pics but alot didnt come out good you should all check em out..
whats going on here i have no fucking clue anymore.. still no job and no car. got a house though wich is a nice development. that makes things a little eaiser when you have a place to live. move in the end of august good by philly hello stix. WOOHOO

Cumberland Valley Pa. watch cuzzz here i come
once apon a time this boy had a job and a car and a house then within one week he managed to loose them all.... confusion has setteled into my mind looks like it will be staying for awhile.

Wha Happend surreal
Eek, hope things look up soon!

Yeah, I have friends of all ages, it really doesn't mean much to me.
Serisouly: please stop stalking me. i mean i already know im fantastic. just just coll with that already.thank you smile
waiting.............applications in one step closer to getting out! eeek
back to reality or at very least a proxy of what it is. im totaly fucked right now...and am loving every minute of it. stopped home for a quick breather on the way back out again asap the come sit stay is alling 2 me and i cant get away from it.. at present i would like to say that im oooh soo dissapointed that...
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Freeday fantastic time for the beautiful weekend drudgery! gotta love it
dont we all miss maces merry monotone monday monolouges?

kick ass time for a new pics. ill see what i can work out for all my fdemale fans out there!
alright stop calaborate and litsen mace is back with a brand new edition something grabs a hold of me tightly flows like a harpoon dialy and nightly will it ever stop yo i dont know turn of the lgihts and i flow.

texas eh?.....tell me about it!