i died today and it was fantastic.
i've never lived so much as i did when i was dead, i only wish it would have lasted a little longer.
the deserted crossroads in the desert didnt seem like an odd place to meet him. in fact it seemed quite logical. in a beautiful fury of red something that resembled a tornado of burning buffalo he came and made the deal. i dont know why i screamed that into the night air . who is willing to do this. why would anyone forfiet thier soul for eternity in order to feel death for a day?
i have no regrets
i watched my body fall to his feet he smiled and was gone. i watched this i saw myself lying there it was soo peaceful so beautiful. i was free , a different freedom than anyone has ever spoke of. i didnt hurt i didnt cry i didnt hate i just existed in the purest form possible. as if i had been reduced to a newborn baby who had yet to see any of the things he would learn to hate and hatehimself for.
i wasn't addicted i needed nothing i walked. for what seemed like 1000 years. just walked through that desert and for the first time in my life, though it was my death, i searched for nothing i had everything.
so i died today , and it was fantastic. i may doit again tomorrow. my beautiful pain killer death. hells gates will open to welcome me my enternity of tourture will be of no consequence to me. the lucidity of thought transends pain. i learned nothing untill the day i died.
have you died yet today?
i've never lived so much as i did when i was dead, i only wish it would have lasted a little longer.
the deserted crossroads in the desert didnt seem like an odd place to meet him. in fact it seemed quite logical. in a beautiful fury of red something that resembled a tornado of burning buffalo he came and made the deal. i dont know why i screamed that into the night air . who is willing to do this. why would anyone forfiet thier soul for eternity in order to feel death for a day?
i have no regrets
i watched my body fall to his feet he smiled and was gone. i watched this i saw myself lying there it was soo peaceful so beautiful. i was free , a different freedom than anyone has ever spoke of. i didnt hurt i didnt cry i didnt hate i just existed in the purest form possible. as if i had been reduced to a newborn baby who had yet to see any of the things he would learn to hate and hatehimself for.
i wasn't addicted i needed nothing i walked. for what seemed like 1000 years. just walked through that desert and for the first time in my life, though it was my death, i searched for nothing i had everything.
so i died today , and it was fantastic. i may doit again tomorrow. my beautiful pain killer death. hells gates will open to welcome me my enternity of tourture will be of no consequence to me. the lucidity of thought transends pain. i learned nothing untill the day i died.
have you died yet today?