i died today and it was fantastic.
i've never lived so much as i did when i was dead, i only wish it would have lasted a little longer.
the deserted crossroads in the desert didnt seem like an odd place to meet him. in fact it seemed quite logical. in a beautiful fury of red something that resembled a tornado of burning buffalo he...
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i've never lived so much as i did when i was dead, i only wish it would have lasted a little longer.
the deserted crossroads in the desert didnt seem like an odd place to meet him. in fact it seemed quite logical. in a beautiful fury of red something that resembled a tornado of burning buffalo he...
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grrreeaaat...bring it on bitches i love it. boredom is a beautiful thing. any one hear that mitch hedburg died? yea he was pretty cool. the pope died too. i guess he was pretty cool to. it smells like someone has been killing kittens in my house. i think its because my roomate refuses to shower. he actually got a bad case of crotch rot. pretty...
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i loved you while he was in you in the shower...did enjoy an ecstacy . her eyes begin to water
Broke! i did it. GREAT. will do any sort of odd jobs for money. its too cold to sleep on the street!
Did I really meet some of your friends? Who were they?
hey everyone it has been awhile i dont really have a computer anymore! i have a general question
mainly aimed at the females
this girl and i broke up right... but this other girl was like trying to "get with me" and i couldnt doit b/c i coudlnt stop thinking about her ....what does that mean????
mainly aimed at the females
this girl and i broke up right... but this other girl was like trying to "get with me" and i couldnt doit b/c i coudlnt stop thinking about her ....what does that mean????

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
moved out on my own
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Last year:yes at first but failed later
This year: i havent made one i want to be realistic i can handle too much repsonsibility
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?...
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moved out on my own
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Last year:yes at first but failed later
This year: i havent made one i want to be realistic i can handle too much repsonsibility
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?...
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i walked awkard as a teen , like a three legged dog

it is times like this that i wish i possesed infanite knowledge. things have gottten way to confusing for me to be able to or even want to handle. someone needs to pick p that map and start guiding me or this car may fly right off the edge
self defense seems like i may be reverting to a happier simpler safer time. i find...
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self defense seems like i may be reverting to a happier simpler safer time. i find...
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5 am it is of course finals week
but hey what the fuck else am i gonna do. the weekends have been getting progressively sicker and im sad to see this semester end. thing were just starting to look up. hopefully next semester will put this one to shame (gardes and parties) until that time though it remains a great unknown
if you are...
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if you are...
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let it never be said that change is always for good or bad sometimes you have to take both in order to find which one prevails. sometimes thast interstingly hard to do
but i still love going to the P.T.P's
but i still love going to the P.T.P's
so i say how do you know she is a slut. she says she looks like it. i mean look at here shes practically naked. its way to cold out to be practicaly naked. p.s. there wasnt even anyone there
i like your moves
i like you style
i like your moves
i like you style