ok im back from canada thanks for the well wishes on my birthday i had fun its good to be 21. didnt get that really random kick ass gift i had hoped for but hell i guess there is lways next year right?
happy belated b-day
Did you really pee in an arizona iced tea bottle? That seems too good to be true.
Fuck you bastards! My 21st birthday is in exactly 1 week and 2 hours what the fuck did you get me. ooh it better be good. this b-day is important damnit .
so i repeat my self what did ya get me tongue
What would you like via internet?
happy birthday!
so yes i will sit and rant and rave. think you can stop me? well you cant assholes
im broke as shit and i blame it on bush for forcing the private family owned business that was paying my bills out of business. benefit big corps screw small entrapenuers. fuck that vote kerry skull
I'm voting for Kerry.
Stop pointing at me.
I'm from Souderton.
yay mennonites.
im leaving on an airplane never to return again, well at least for a week. thats right ladies and gents its time to make a pilgrimage up to the good old 508 cya in a week. have fun with out me and dont miss me to much.
luv yall
for some reason i have yet to be abe to master the art of the over light egg.. i always end up breaking it anyone with anypointers feel free i love and need advice. m
its really begining to piss me off b/c i will continue to eat an egg every morning unti i get it and i am begining to get real tired of...
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hello? , where all you all? its been quite a while now im begining to miss some of yous. anyway some old shit over here notihgn new to report still jobbless and poor but helll im living so whatever
talk to me smile
The E E T was a crazy interesting time. i posted some of the pics but alot didnt come out good you should all check em out..
whats going on here i have no fucking clue anymore.. still no job and no car. got a house though wich is a nice development. that makes things a little eaiser when you have a place to live. move in the end of august good by philly hello stix. WOOHOO

Cumberland Valley Pa. watch cuzzz here i come
once apon a time this boy had a job and a car and a house then within one week he managed to loose them all.... confusion has setteled into my mind looks like it will be staying for awhile.

Wha Happend surreal
Eek, hope things look up soon!

Yeah, I have friends of all ages, it really doesn't mean much to me.