Right so it's about time my lazy ass wrote a blog. So I haven't been the active member that I used to be and in the past month I haven't been productive at all, well not all of it anyways.
My creative juices have stopped flowing I haven't picked up a pencil since before my exams so yeh heaps of procrastinating and getting fat haha
Well you can say that I'm tired of life. Not the I wanna kill myself kind but you know the feeling of just thinking that you just don't get why we are alive and we have to go through so much shit just to stay alive? Yeh something like that.
So productivity hasn't been on my list of things to do but hey I did work for a few days nonetheless it's good money though, 5 days at the new national stadium/indoor stadium and I'm close to 500$
which is like 1/3 of an air ticket to the states so a few more sadly I don't think I would be able to make enough just in time for the Black Heart Burlesque though but hey at least I'm making progress but then again the states might not be on my list to visit by then though cause I really really need a vacation and I can't wait to get out of this stupid country if I can wait it out for another burlesque then usa here I come unless if it decides to go somewhere else hahaha... Sigh...
So hey for most of you guys know that @pyrdaemo was in town! Was a blast that he came was kinda nervous when I met him honestly. Was kinda worries that my "Asian awkwardness" might be too overwhelming. As you can see in the picture I have a huge boost to my height lol we were standing on a ramp when we took think lol
So another thing that happened here in Asia is that @flowerbomb turned pink! This babe is a beauty and she is living in Korea with her beau, who is an excellent photographer, and they are currently teachers over. She can even make buying something from a street side food stall look sexy! Lucky Korea... *grumble* :P
So the babely @pomorum is in the SG sin city competition. Go and shoe her some love! Share, like comment and sub...! Oops almost youtubish there :P Go show her some love ^^ Click here
Anyways, imma gonna fanboy a little here though it's a little redundant cause everyone knows this but hey hey @Mel has a new set up!!! We can't forget the lovely and talented @gemmaedwardsuk can we? Mel's modeling and Gemma's photograph skills, Boom! Stunning set! I mean even Mel's goosebumps look sexy :P Just me...? Haha Can't say that this is my favorite set when all of Mel's sets are my favorites haha
Sadly I'm gonna have to miss the burlesque means I won't get to meet here... sobs sobs :( Can anyone fit me in their suitcase so I can fly off to the show to meet Mel? Haha I'm big enough to fit into a rucksack too :P
Well I wanna do a shout out to @yugen's recent solo set too. I think that this is one of her best cause it's a big different feel compared to her other sets, to see her in such a calm tone really brings out her beauty on another level ^^
So I'm in the last semester of my diploma! I managed to make it past my previous semester. And if all else goes well I'm going to graduate in October I've started my revision already going through the chapters that are being taught in the next lessons can't mess this shit up can't wait for the day where I can walk away in my graduation robe with the school burning and exploding behind me like a Chuck Norris movie gotta get my certificate first though.

So I've missed a bit of the homework @missy and @rambo has put out, I'm just gonna do music& for those who follow my blogs know that I'm a music fan and I can't really say that there are any specific music that I really like but usually just that I prefer some genres more than others. Anyways one of them is punk rock. I'm not really a big fan of punk rock till my first ex girlfriend introduced me to fallout boy. So to share the joy she has brought me I'm going to share some memories (The good old days during the first 3 movies of American Pie) with you guys did I mentioned before that I'm a professional air guitar player?
Fall Out Boy
Simple Plan
Evanecence (Not so punk rock)