Dear SG this is the third day that I have quit smoking cigarettes, I think... Ok I kinda forgot which day did I quit... Cause this bloody withdrawal is bugging me! Man I need some weed right now! Ok so the nose have decided to slow down to a jog now, the sniffles were driving myself crazy. However it is clogged right now and I mean really clogged! I'm talking hella funny right now and I have a sore throat from the constant sneezing, which has stopped, and the running nose. Now I sound like a geek with a sexy voice haha. Please someone tell when the withdrawal will stop... Sobs sobs :(
So if you have read the previous blog I think I might be hitting the states or Europe or Australia after the first half of the year. Would very much love to go backpacking from one end of the continent to the other but we'll see. The main reason I'm traveling is just to chill and meet peeps if you would love to meet up. However I need advices on if I were to go backpacking in your country, how much do u guys think I need? And would traveling by public transport be convenient? cause I sure do not want to waste money on another plane ticket. Would be awesome if someone could shelter me while I'm on my trip but ill just leave that question aside till I decide where to go but I would like to thank @zombiefaace @poeticblack & @kasha for inviting me to their area/country and all you lovelies as well @_sega @pyrdaemon @rubblerocks @werlywolf @davy @midnightrider454 @nubia @theatomicbomb @pomorum @lewolf @ameline @rainbowfour @remod66 @taiava @stoie @starlastarlove @lua @kaicito @kelpie_ @bebelle @robertnagiel @horror_head @dinosonic @theslowrunner @conformitykills @rinko @myzaree @yugen @lun @darrow_ @ttaylorr @alienmarie @stormyent @alderaan @kohanacat @_storm_ @thanatoz @misa_ @elkcrazy32 @tifftaff @jacquerabbit @moffatc007 @mylene @ostara_ @verasuicide @arroia @ivysiren3 @orion @sylvanas_ @staysick_ @dutch_ @taysteesuicide @jaxx_ @hemi_ @fawkes_ @wick_ @ric @kirbie @punx_ @sirilys @exkyu @superbabzy @priaita @nixie_ @skrillex @oleander_ @alvarock @djdote @jessicalou @_karmina_ @mizuki @alienmarie @sweetgreys @blu @dwam @pandemia_ @safira @navi_ @cutest_cupcake @bronx_ @roggen @kal @binzzi @twiitch @euforia @euphemia @ramen @venom and heaps and heaps of peeps for the encouragements, well wishes and friendships from the first day I joined this site till now :) sorry if I missed your name! >.<
Ok so thanks to @rainbowfour for inspiring me to do this. It's the first time that I have ever done this and wow this is hard! Respect to you ladies who provide us with stunning pictures for sundies! Haha I guess that gave it away so if you do not want your eyeballs to climb out of their sockets and severe their own retina cords don't click the spoiler!
If you can still read this after that horrific incident, that should never have occurred if you didn't click that spoiler button, I end the blog here. Quick go get a doctor! (Insert emergency number for the ambulance)!!! (Insert emergency number for the ambulance)!!! Nightys! At least I'm not the one getting the nightmares lol :P