Hello amazing people! Don't have much to say today cause my brain isn't working so well... The soreness in my chest and arms have set in and my legs are doing some what better than yesterday. Been hella tired the whole day having to make the extra effort to move my body. Its amazing how much work I have to put in to work something that comes so natural on a daily basis. Good thing the next gym session is on Saturday. Whew!
Before I go I would like to leave 2 videos, both are TedxTalks about masculinity and gender status quos, which I think are really awesome and everyone should take a bit of their time and watch :D
The first vid I saw off of @yugen's blog
We should all be feminists: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The second was introduced to me by @pyrdaemon
Tony Porter: A call to men
Lastly before I go, for all you lovely people! Imma leave you one of my favourite music videos. For those of you who do not know them, they a 5 person acapella called Pentatonix, doing a medley of Daft Punk. Remember all the sounds you hear in this video are all made by them. Be very amazed!!! ^^
Alright imma catch the train to lala land now! Nightyz!!! :D