2014! A magical start of the year as paperwork for school started filtering from the sky into a pile of mess and craziness. The sudden change of my bio-clock from waking up in the afternoon to wake up in the morning was a big test of my will power to drag myself out of bed. But everything is manageable now ^^
Ok so what way to start off the year by starting off trying to fulfill one of my new year goals, to get fitter! I signed up for a gym membership and for a workout programme as well! I am lazy when it come to stuff like this so a programme is kind of a motivation for me? Don't judge :P So I have decided to get off my lazy ass and lose a few pounds, get muscles here and there for this new year! ^^ So I am trusting you guys to grill me and ask about my progress, every now and then, so that I'll feel guilty about lazing around the house hahaha Abs of steel, who doesn't like them? I know the ladies do :P
So what happened today was that I went out with a buddy of mine and he brought his girlfriend. He has been talking bout her for quite a while now and I was glad that I'm meeting her personally! So we talked for a quite a while, then they started teasing each other and ended with a kiss. She had to leave to meet her girlfriends, cause it was shopping day for them, and when she left he asked "So what do you think?" followed by a look, immediately cussed at him and he was laughing. Then we went to catch a movie. Still lost? ok so that bugger knew my last girlfriend was 6 months ago and it was a bad break-up. So when he asked that question what he meant was, I have a girlfriend and you don't! :P ppppbbbbhhhtttt!!! That little bastard! But its all fun and games but yeh...
Anyways that really got me thinking for the rest of the day! After my last break-up, I decided that I'm not ready to put myself back out there and I was so satisfied with being a bachelor until that scenario happened... It struck a nail, I realised that wow! I feel lonely and I actually do miss the cuddling, well sex of course and other things that comes in a relationship! But on the other hand I'm not really sure if I'm ready for another ride in the tunnel of love [That sounded wrong but no pun intended lol] Sigh... I'm so confused right now... Yes beautiful ladies guys to get moments like this haha. guess I gotta have a few days to think this over =/ Guys ever had this before? Ladies do u think its just a phase? haha but ugh... my brain is screaming at me to go find myself a girlfriend right now :(
Right! Enough of my sad sobbing story, here are some of the gorgeous ladies that you may have missed out on ^^ Show them love people!!! :D
Thanks once again for reading my blog, show some love at the start of this awesome new year ^^ A show of encouragement can go a very long way for these beautiful ladies :D