- on indi's blog post
- on hunnibee's blog post
- on kalchaamer's status update
- on _finklestein_'s status update
- on diamant's status update
- on marilynvicious's blog post
Wondering what all this hoo ha? I have finally finished this fucking website for this bloody school project. Worst of all is that its the final semester and my group members are close to no where to be seen when it comes down to working on the fucking site! Can you tell how much I am raging over here?! ARGHHH!!! I am so fucking down...
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Alright so whats going on with me?! So school has started again ugh!!! My plans for really sticking on the site aren't really going too well :(
They have started throwing shit tons of assignments that I don't even have time for my games! No games! What?!!! I barely even have time for using my computer at all cept for project work!Having to constantly study...
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Right so it's about time my lazy ass wrote a blog. So I haven't been the active member that I used to be and in the past month I haven't been productive at all, well not all of it anyways.
My creative juices have stopped flowing I haven't picked up a pencil since before my exams so yeh heaps of procrastinating and getting fat haha
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Hey peeps! So @Pyrdaemon came over to Singapore for a day before going off to Aussie land for his brothers wedding. And damn! When I met him I seriously looked like a dwarf beside him Haha anyways we've been running about Singapore not entirely just place of interests I don't have any photos but they are all with pyredaemon. So you gotta wait till he...
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Alrighty then!!! Beautiful peeps! How are you people doing? It's been a week's worth of procrastination after the exams and so happy to be free. So I'll try to spend more time here :D
The exams are good, at least I think I have done well... Macro Accounting and Business Law, I have heaps of confidence in but as for Managerial Accounting... I knew what...
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Hello beautiful people! :D Exams are 2 weeks from now and my brain has stopped absorbing info. Well I really hope that it's a good thing haha Anyways the title says it all :3
Hey guys just dropping by to let you awesome people know that I'm not dead yet :D
Been hella busy with my revision and yes my exams are coming around the corner again! So... excited... yay... sigh...
So how have you guys been? Sorry for not being able to be on here, I'll try my best to catch up with things when my exams are...
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