well, my darlings, my heart is heavy. sid (my snake) escaped thurs night while i was asleep. he's done it before, but i've always found him immediately after. also this was the first time the back door was open, and i know he was in the bedroom because he knocked over the lamp on my bureau. i've turned the house upside down with no luck, but maybe he's still around here somewhere. i know he's just a snake, and doesn't contribute anything to the family (especially loyalty
), but i still feel the pain from his absence. i've had him for four years (and wanted one for four years before that), and he was the first major present hubby ever gave me. who knows? maybe he'll get hungry in a month or two and come out then. until then, i'll continue my search, and his cage will stay open, warm, humid, and waiting for him...
in happier news, i got my second port present from hubby! this one came from jordan, and is a framed decorative brass plate. it's soooo pretty, and is already on display in the living room! i'm so impressed with his newfound gift-giving skills! so far he's 2 and 0, and the next present sounds like it's gonna be a doozie. it's from dubai, one of the cheapest places in the world to buy gold, and he said he can't mail it because it's too fragile. eep!
for those of you who know me, you know i'm not really into jewelry, or fancy things in general. i am, however, REALLY into playing dress up from time to time, and middle eastern jewelry would make quite an addition to my wardrobe.
i'm still enjoying the laid-back life. every morning i plan out a few chores for the day, along with daily activities and maybe an errand or two, and then do them at my leisure. it's actually a nice little system, every day is productive, but not stressed. sometimes it's boring, though, since the primary mess-maker is gone. wait, what am i saying? it's a fuckin dream! i'm gonna have so much fun when he gets out and we switch roles! i can leave my dishes and dirty clothes wherever i want because "i have to go to work early tomorrow." yay! well i say that now, let's wait and see what kind of a househusband he turns out to be...
oh yeah and i'll be making my way back to texas for a couple of weeks in october. it seems like we just got back, but there are a few reasons why i want to go back. this is the first time in my life that i haven't had a job or other responsibilities that require me to stay put. plus my mama and best friends need me now. mama needs some help juggling everything, jess just got out of surgery for a bacterial infection (that ate over 98% of her stomach lining!), and nae is going through a nasty breakup. i want to make sure to see them because we aren't planning on doing the trip again next summer. driving across the barren southwest by myself is kinda intimidating, but it's something that i'd really like to be able to say i did alone. besides, this house is so eerily quiet and empty sometimes, i think it's best to just get out of it for a while.
i am excited, though, about NOT having to cross austin off my list this time! because of time and/or money, we've missed it the last two years. but this time, it's a go! nae is already planning on where she's gonna take me, my brother and his boyfriend will be driving up from corpus christi to party with us, and nae and i are going to take a tour of some of the neighborhoods. we've only got three years left to plan and save up to buy a house, so we're trying to get as much done now as we can. this will give us an idea of what to expect from properties in certain areas, where they are in reference to the va hospital, etc. i can't wait!
oh my will ya look at the time? well i guess that's about it for now.
i'll leave you with my favorite madonna song, because no matter who you are, you know you have one

in happier news, i got my second port present from hubby! this one came from jordan, and is a framed decorative brass plate. it's soooo pretty, and is already on display in the living room! i'm so impressed with his newfound gift-giving skills! so far he's 2 and 0, and the next present sounds like it's gonna be a doozie. it's from dubai, one of the cheapest places in the world to buy gold, and he said he can't mail it because it's too fragile. eep!

i'm still enjoying the laid-back life. every morning i plan out a few chores for the day, along with daily activities and maybe an errand or two, and then do them at my leisure. it's actually a nice little system, every day is productive, but not stressed. sometimes it's boring, though, since the primary mess-maker is gone. wait, what am i saying? it's a fuckin dream! i'm gonna have so much fun when he gets out and we switch roles! i can leave my dishes and dirty clothes wherever i want because "i have to go to work early tomorrow." yay! well i say that now, let's wait and see what kind of a househusband he turns out to be...
oh yeah and i'll be making my way back to texas for a couple of weeks in october. it seems like we just got back, but there are a few reasons why i want to go back. this is the first time in my life that i haven't had a job or other responsibilities that require me to stay put. plus my mama and best friends need me now. mama needs some help juggling everything, jess just got out of surgery for a bacterial infection (that ate over 98% of her stomach lining!), and nae is going through a nasty breakup. i want to make sure to see them because we aren't planning on doing the trip again next summer. driving across the barren southwest by myself is kinda intimidating, but it's something that i'd really like to be able to say i did alone. besides, this house is so eerily quiet and empty sometimes, i think it's best to just get out of it for a while.
i am excited, though, about NOT having to cross austin off my list this time! because of time and/or money, we've missed it the last two years. but this time, it's a go! nae is already planning on where she's gonna take me, my brother and his boyfriend will be driving up from corpus christi to party with us, and nae and i are going to take a tour of some of the neighborhoods. we've only got three years left to plan and save up to buy a house, so we're trying to get as much done now as we can. this will give us an idea of what to expect from properties in certain areas, where they are in reference to the va hospital, etc. i can't wait!

oh my will ya look at the time? well i guess that's about it for now.
i'll leave you with my favorite madonna song, because no matter who you are, you know you have one