well it's just me and the pups now. i took him to the airport yesterday, and he made it to bahrain safely. god it was so much harder to say goodbye than i thought it would be. i couldn't accept that it would be the last time i would hold him, kiss him, smell him until he came back. but it's done now, and i'm trying to focus on how wonderful it will be when i do actually get to have him home again. my heart still hurts, and i don't know how long that will last...
but yesterday was also a good day. it was our first reverend day! rev has now been a part of our family for a whole year now! i'm glad i could focus my attention on him, because it actually turned out to be a nice day because of it. and even though hubby had to leave, he still got to love on rev a little. and i took some pics!
after a delicous breakfast (with chicken and flaxseed oil!), he and i headed out! he very rarely gets to ride in the front seat, and he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

we went to petco where he got to go walk around and smell anything he wanted for as long as he wanted. trust me, for my dogs, that's a big deal. then we walked down the toy isle and he picked out whatever toy he wanted. not surprisingly, he picked out the same toy he did the last two times. but he was so excited about it that he carried it around the store and couldn't wait until we got home to play with it. by the time i paid for it, it was covered in dirt and slobber, and i had to hand the clerk the ripped off tag.

then we picked up eponine and went on a nice long walk. we took a break in the middle, and look! they held hands!!!

later on i took him over to my friend's house and she fed him some sausage and steak fat from our dinner. he thanked her by taking a giant shit on her porch. i didn't take a picture of that.
yesterday was also important because i am now officially a student for the first time in 6 years! by this time next year i will be a certified dog trainer, and it feels really good to finally start the next phase of my life. we signed eppie up as my "assistant dog," so it makes it that much sweeter that i get to do it all with her!
oh yeah and one more thing:
the night before he left, we went out on a date to a restaurant that once a week transforms into a ballroom with a 20 piece orchestra, and we watched old people dance the foxtrot, tango, waltz, etc. it was awesome! people that were so old they could barely walk were out there cheek to cheek on the dance floor, and some of them moved better than most young people i know. we didn't dance (he was too embarrassed), but it convinced him to take lessons with me when he gets back (one more thing to look forward to)! we talked about much fun it would be to one day be hunched over and wrinkled, cutting a rug as if we were young again. a little old lady took our picture and gave him a kiss on the cheek for his service. it was the perfect way to spend our last night together. <3

but yesterday was also a good day. it was our first reverend day! rev has now been a part of our family for a whole year now! i'm glad i could focus my attention on him, because it actually turned out to be a nice day because of it. and even though hubby had to leave, he still got to love on rev a little. and i took some pics!
after a delicous breakfast (with chicken and flaxseed oil!), he and i headed out! he very rarely gets to ride in the front seat, and he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

we went to petco where he got to go walk around and smell anything he wanted for as long as he wanted. trust me, for my dogs, that's a big deal. then we walked down the toy isle and he picked out whatever toy he wanted. not surprisingly, he picked out the same toy he did the last two times. but he was so excited about it that he carried it around the store and couldn't wait until we got home to play with it. by the time i paid for it, it was covered in dirt and slobber, and i had to hand the clerk the ripped off tag.

then we picked up eponine and went on a nice long walk. we took a break in the middle, and look! they held hands!!!

later on i took him over to my friend's house and she fed him some sausage and steak fat from our dinner. he thanked her by taking a giant shit on her porch. i didn't take a picture of that.
yesterday was also important because i am now officially a student for the first time in 6 years! by this time next year i will be a certified dog trainer, and it feels really good to finally start the next phase of my life. we signed eppie up as my "assistant dog," so it makes it that much sweeter that i get to do it all with her!
oh yeah and one more thing:
the night before he left, we went out on a date to a restaurant that once a week transforms into a ballroom with a 20 piece orchestra, and we watched old people dance the foxtrot, tango, waltz, etc. it was awesome! people that were so old they could barely walk were out there cheek to cheek on the dance floor, and some of them moved better than most young people i know. we didn't dance (he was too embarrassed), but it convinced him to take lessons with me when he gets back (one more thing to look forward to)! we talked about much fun it would be to one day be hunched over and wrinkled, cutting a rug as if we were young again. a little old lady took our picture and gave him a kiss on the cheek for his service. it was the perfect way to spend our last night together. <3

I told Jenn we all need to get together and hang out some time. We miss seeing you all! Of course he just got put on nights so it may be a little bit before we can do that, but soon!!!