eponine and i have teamed up with rin and buzz for the san diego humane society walk for animals (like a march of dimes or relay for life for our furry friends) on may 3rd! we are currently taking donations to help the humane society adopt out truly wonderful pets!
please help support this great cause with whatever you can spare. hell, if you can afford a 12 pack, you can afford to donate!
donations can be made here:
my personal donation page! yay!
thank you so much!!!
eponine and i have teamed up with rin and buzz for the san diego humane society walk for animals (like a march of dimes or relay for life for our furry friends) on may 3rd! we are currently taking donations to help the humane society adopt out truly wonderful pets!
please help support this great cause with whatever you can spare. hell, if you can afford a 12 pack, you can afford to donate!

donations can be made here:
my personal donation page! yay!
thank you so much!!!

wish Tiva & I could join ya, but we are on the wrong coast. fantastic cause!!!!