prepare yourself for a random blog!
wow. i just had AMAZING sex!
i read other people's blogs, and alot of the time they ask people questions, and then their friends or whoever comment back with answers, so here's my question:
what are the three happiest days of your life?
here are my answers:
1) the day i married the most wonderful man in existence
2) the day we brought eponine home and i became a dog-mama
3) the day i ate a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit from whataburger after being a vegetarian for seven years (no, i'm not kidding. that shit was DELICIOUS. and yes, my comment in the sgsd group inspired this whole train of thought.)
...well, i don't have a picture of that, so you'll have to imagine my ecstatic face...
i hate a couple of the girls at the sorority house. most of them are really nice, and not as spoiled and stuck up as you might think. most of them come from well-to-do homes, but are not ridiculously rich, and have jobs on top of a full time school schedule. at their core they are genuine, and at least we have enough in common to carry on a basic conversation. but a couple of them are really snotty to me, like they're above me just because i clean up after them. anytime i say "hello" or "excuse me," they just stare at me like they're retarded and don't know how to say it back. if they're standing in a doorway and i need to get by, they won't even move for me. fuck them. i may not have been given every advantage, but at least my mama taught me how to be polite.
i love our apartment, but i'm getting tired of the noises that come from living in such close quarters. every morning at 6:50 on the fuckin dot i'm woken up by my neighbor that blares "the next episode" from his car. don't get me wrong, i like that song, and i like snoop and dre, but his speakers are too shitty to support how high he cranks up his bass, plus i don't want to hear it five mornings a week. then i'm woken up again at 8 by the banging hammers of the people who are renovating the house next door. finish the goddamn house already! plus everyone thinks they have such a bad ass car that they need an alarm that goes off every time someone looks at the damn thing. and apparently everyone has unexpected visitors that need to blast their horn to notify them that they are here instead of just calling them like our friends do.
oh! i just read my previous blog entries and realized that i never posted any recent pics of reverend, so here ya go:
hope they're not too big...
yay, my christmas present from hubby is that i can finally start my back piece! now i just have to finalize the design...
oh and speaking of hubby and presents, his birthday is at the end of the month and i was going to get him his own sg account. he was really excited about it until he realized that he needed new contacts instead. that's right, folks, we are now so old that we must cater to failing eyesight instead of enjoying sg. but then, how are you supposed to check out hot naked chicks, or even read text on the screen if you can't see a couple feet ahead of you?
ok, this entry is long enough (that's what she said), so i best be going. i like having random blogs, expect more in the future!
good night, my darlings
wow. i just had AMAZING sex!
i read other people's blogs, and alot of the time they ask people questions, and then their friends or whoever comment back with answers, so here's my question:
what are the three happiest days of your life?
here are my answers:
1) the day i married the most wonderful man in existence

2) the day we brought eponine home and i became a dog-mama

3) the day i ate a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit from whataburger after being a vegetarian for seven years (no, i'm not kidding. that shit was DELICIOUS. and yes, my comment in the sgsd group inspired this whole train of thought.)
...well, i don't have a picture of that, so you'll have to imagine my ecstatic face...
i hate a couple of the girls at the sorority house. most of them are really nice, and not as spoiled and stuck up as you might think. most of them come from well-to-do homes, but are not ridiculously rich, and have jobs on top of a full time school schedule. at their core they are genuine, and at least we have enough in common to carry on a basic conversation. but a couple of them are really snotty to me, like they're above me just because i clean up after them. anytime i say "hello" or "excuse me," they just stare at me like they're retarded and don't know how to say it back. if they're standing in a doorway and i need to get by, they won't even move for me. fuck them. i may not have been given every advantage, but at least my mama taught me how to be polite.
i love our apartment, but i'm getting tired of the noises that come from living in such close quarters. every morning at 6:50 on the fuckin dot i'm woken up by my neighbor that blares "the next episode" from his car. don't get me wrong, i like that song, and i like snoop and dre, but his speakers are too shitty to support how high he cranks up his bass, plus i don't want to hear it five mornings a week. then i'm woken up again at 8 by the banging hammers of the people who are renovating the house next door. finish the goddamn house already! plus everyone thinks they have such a bad ass car that they need an alarm that goes off every time someone looks at the damn thing. and apparently everyone has unexpected visitors that need to blast their horn to notify them that they are here instead of just calling them like our friends do.
oh! i just read my previous blog entries and realized that i never posted any recent pics of reverend, so here ya go:

hope they're not too big...
yay, my christmas present from hubby is that i can finally start my back piece! now i just have to finalize the design...
oh and speaking of hubby and presents, his birthday is at the end of the month and i was going to get him his own sg account. he was really excited about it until he realized that he needed new contacts instead. that's right, folks, we are now so old that we must cater to failing eyesight instead of enjoying sg. but then, how are you supposed to check out hot naked chicks, or even read text on the screen if you can't see a couple feet ahead of you?
ok, this entry is long enough (that's what she said), so i best be going. i like having random blogs, expect more in the future!
good night, my darlings

Back piece! Can't wait to see it done